Jacobo García Álvarez

Professor Jacobo García Álvarez
Dr. Jacobo García-Álvarez is Professor of Human Geography at the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), which he joined in 2003. His research work has focused on the fields of History of Geography, Historical Geography, and Political Geography and Geopolitics, with special attention to boundary-making processes, politico-administrative divisions and territorial identities and ideologies. He chaired the IGU Commission on the History of Geography and the International Union of History of Science and Technology from 2008 to 2016. He has coordinated the History of Geography, Historical Geography and Political Geography Research Group in the Institute of Historiography at UC3M since 2012. He has held or holds, among other academic positions, those of Director of the School of Graduate Studies in Humanities and Communication (2013-2019), Deputy Vice-Rector for Studies (2019-2023), Co-Director of the Master in Geopolitics and Strategic Studies (since 2018) and Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Lifelong Learning (since 2023).