María José Fariñas Dulce

Professor María José Fariñas Dulce
Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid,
Professor of the Master in Fundamental Rights at the Gregorio Peces-Barba Human Rights Institute, Professor of the Master in Sociology of Law at the Oñate International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISJ), Professor of the Master in Human Rights and Development at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. Visiting lecturer at several universities in Latin America and Europe, Member of the Scientific Council of ATTAC-Spain, columnist in the Spanish press and in national and international specialised journals.
She has been Advisor to the Department of Analysis and Studies of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government of Spain, from 2004 to 2011. Visiting Professor at several European and Latin American universities.
Areas of work: Political Philosophy, Human Rights, Legal Sociology, Globalisation, Citizenship, Multiculturalism and Interculturality.
Her latest publications include:
- Globalización, Ciudadanía y Derechos Humanos (2nd edition, Dykinson, 2004),
- Mercado sin Ciudadanía. Las falacias de la Globalización Neoliberal (Biblioteca Nueva, 2005),
- Los Derechos Humanos: desde la perspectiva sociológico-jurídica a la actitud postmoderna (2nd edition, Dykinson, 2006),
- Sistemas Jurídicos: Elementos para un Análisis Sociológico (Universidad Carlos III- BOE, 2nd edition, 2006, co-authored with André-Jean Arnaud),
- Culturas y Religiones en Diálogo (Síntesis, 2007, co-authored with Juan José Tamayo).
- Democracia y Pluralismo. Una mirada hacia la Emancipación, Ed. Dykinson, 2014.
Neoliberalismo versus Democracia, in Eunomia, Revista de Cultura de la Legalidad, nº 14, April-September 2018, pp. 342-352 (available at: Neoliberalismo versus democracia = Neoliberalism ... - UC3M Journals