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Imagen de Pablo Álvarez Caudevilla

Professor Pablo Álvarez Caudevilla

Pablo Álvarez Caudevilla holds a PhD in Mathematical Sciences (2008) from the Complutense University of Madrid, the same university where he obtained his degree in Mathematical Sciences. He has been a member of the Department of Mathematics at UC3M since December 2010. Until 2015 as Doctor Assistant Professor, from 2015 to 2018 as Ramón y Cajal Researcher, obtaining the first position in the area of Mathematics that year. Since July 2018 he is a Professor at UC3M in the area of Applied Mathematics, within the Department of Mathematics.

In addition to the teaching and research positions carried out during the years he has been a member of the UC3M, teaching in various degrees and masters of the UC3M, he has made several research stays in various countries working with prestigious mathematicians, works that have been published in prestigious international journals and presented at various international conferences, all focusing on the qualitative analysis of various models of differential equations. In particular, he was at the University of Bath (UK) during the academic year 2007-2008 as a Visiting Research Fellow, collaborating with Profs Victor Galaktionov and Jonathan Evans in a project on high-order differential equations. From 2008 to the end of 2010, funded by FECYT, he obtained a contract as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the prestigious Ennio de Giorgi Mathematical Research Centre of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy) for the development of a project on Variational and Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis. In 2011 he was invited by Prof. Norman Dancer to the University of Sydney (Australia) for two months, where he carried out important collaborations with Prof. Yihong Du. During the summer of 2012, also as a member of UC3M, he stayed at the University Paris Diderot/Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions (France) for two months as well, collaborating withProfs. Antoine Lemenant and Matthieu Bonnivard