Fátima García López

Professor Fátima García López
Doctorate by the Carlos III University of Madrid, Licenced in Hispanic Philology by the Autonomous University of Madrid. Since 1998 has placed as professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
As a teacher she has imparted subjects for both graduate and post graduate titles, as well as having participated and coordinated projects for Teaching Innovation.
In relation to her research work, she is a member of the research group ACRÓPOLIS. Within her lines of investigation and research, she addresses topics related to information policies and the knowledge society, the brokering of information, patrimony and digital culture
Has had reports published in international journals, indexed in Journal Citation Reports and Scimago as “User Charters, Instruments for Public Library Transparency and Communication”, “Ephemeral mimetics: memes, an X-ray of Covid-19”, "Voremetur Project: proposal for the digital cataloguing of museum objects on media art", “Strategies for preserving memes as artefacts of digital culture”, “Professor—Librarian Team-Teaching: Online Lifelong Training in the University”, “Spanish telecenters: resources, services and proposed indicators for its evaluation”.
Author of Multicultural library services in Spanish public libraries (Trea) and coauthor of chapters in books published in the Documentation fields (Chandos, Alfagrama, Gedisa, Vision libros, Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, Universidad de Salamanca, INTA, etc.)
During her research she has participated in projects of competitive character, has been a speaker in different congresses and a member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of several national and international scientific meetings, such as the International Conference of the Digital Divide and Social Inclusion.
Accordingly, she has taken on research in foreign centers such as the Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT), the Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação (2011) and the Université Paul-Valéry, UPV, Montpellier 3 (2007).
Since 2020 she is the Deputy Director at the University Institute "Agustín Millares" of Documentation and Management of Information of the Carlos III University of Madrid, where she had previously been Academic Secretary from 2010 to 2021. She has also taken part in the Directive Committee for the Master/Expert in Libraries and Patrimony. Is a member of the Faculty board since May 2014 and has been Assistant to the Vice-Deanship for Semipresential Studies in the School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science.