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Imagen de Antonio Gaitán Torres

Professor Antonio Gaitán Torres

I completed a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Granada (2008). I was a Visiting Fellow at Rutgers University (2004), a Visiting Fellow at the University of Reading (2008-2009) and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Oxford University (Faculty of Philosophy – 2008-2010). I have been teaching at the UC3M since 2011, first as a Juan de la Cierva Reseaarch Fellow (2011-2014) and later as an Assistant (2014-2019) and Associate Professor-tenured (2020-present). 

My research interests include meta-ethics, normative and political philosophy and experimental philosophy. Currently I am exploring whether our meta-ethical thinking (our tendency to objectify our moral opinions) has an impact on certain political and social dynamics - intolerance, political polarization and disagreements.