Beatriz López Boada

Professor Beatriz López Boada
I am Full Professor in the Mechanical Department of UC3M since December of 2019. My
research activity is focused on vehicle dynamics, on designing of vehicle controllers to improve
their handling, stability and comfort, on designing vehicle state observers, on mechatronics and
on Artificial Intelligence such as Neural Networks and Fuzzy. My research has been conducting
inside different research projects. The total number of research projects in which I have
participated has been 14: 1 European Project, 11 national projects and 4 regional projects. I have
been principal researcher of 2 national Projects and 4 regional projects. All of them have been
related to vehicle safety. Additionally, I am principal researcher of the project “New paradigm of
emergency transport service management: Ambulances (AMBULATE-CM)“, recently accepted.
This is financing by Comunidad de Madrid. FEDER – RECURSOS REACT-UE and funding with
1.055.000,001 euros. My research has generated more than 90 publications, 36 of which are
journal articles belongs to JCR, 54 are conferences and 3 are international research book
chapters. The total funds received as a principal research are about 1.300.000 euros.
The indicators of my research performance are (source WoS): Total cites: 828; 5-years Average
citations (2022-18): 99 and h-index: 15. Additionally, I am among the 2% world’s most cited in
2021 in my respective field (Automotive Design & Engineering)
(, according to the Ranking of
World Scientists carried out by the University of Standford. Number of sexenios (evaluation of the
research activity) 3. Number of quinquenios (evaluation of the teaching activity) 5. From 2011 to
2019 I have been Director of the PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial
Organization and from 2014, I am co-director of the Master in Railway Systems Engineering
UC3M-Alstom. Since May of 2023, I am Vice-rector for Sustainable Development, Cooperation
and Healthy Campuses.
I made/make international collaborations with the following institutions: Birmingham University
(UK), University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest (Romania), Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco
(Portugal), University of Beighan (China), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Perú), The
Pennsylvania State University (USA) and and Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
From 2021, I am a member of the European Co-Programmed Association (CCAM). The goal of
CCAM is to create a more user-centered and inclusive mobility system, increasing road safety
while reducing congestion and environmental footprint.
I have participated in contracts belonging to article 83 and MARCO agreement with different
enterprises (Indra, FITSA, Michelin España Portugal, S.A., Recreativos Franco S.A.,
Construcciones Espaciales y Dragados S.A., CAF, METRO de Madrid).
I am co-inventor of the patent “System and Procedure for Evaluation of Driving Style (ES-
2696401-A1)”. BooBoo Company has been beneficiary of SME inside of Lab4Pymes 2021
program in order to make application of this patent.
I have been Director of 5 PhD thesis and, nowadays, I am supervising 3 PhD thesis. I have tutor
of more than 100 degrees final projects.
I have participated in the organization of 3 international congresses and 2 national congresses. I
have been assessor of EMPLEA program, research projects for the Convocatoria de Ayudas
de la Dirección General de Tráfico, ayudas para contratos Torres Quevedo for ANEP, projects
I+D+i for ANEP, among others. I am reviewer of more than 20 JCR Journals.