Cristina Castejón Sisamón

Professor Cristina Castejón Sisamón
Cristina Castejón achieved her degree in Industrial Engineering in 1998 and her doctorate within the Industrial Technologies program in 2002 both at Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). Her research trajectory is currently focused in fault detection in rotating mechanical elements oriented to Maintenance 4.0 paradigm and also the design, modelling and simulation of mechanical systems for different applications (biomedical devices, robotics, etc. ).
Since October 96, she has been involved in teaching and research activities financed by different types of scholarships and contracts. She is a founding member and current director of the MAQLAB research group, a member of the "Pedro Juan de Lastanosa" research institute and a member of the "Technologies for the Digital World" Academic Unit, all belonging to UC3M. She is a member of the World Federation of Machines and Mechanisms (IFToMM), being the current president of the permanent commission of Education since 2017. She has been the secretary of the Higher Polytechnic School (2016-2020).
PhD. Castejón has 2 six-year research periods, the last one granted in 2017. She has directed 3 doctoral theses in the field of predictive maintenance and the modelling of faulty mechanical systems, with publications in JCR impact journals and awarded one of them as the best doctoral thesis by the Spanish association of mechanical engineering. She has published more than 40 articles, 26 of which are in impact magazines registered in JCR, has 6 book chapters, and has participated with her publications in numerous conferences. She has participated in more than 30 research and development projects, in regional, national and european calls, being principal research in some of them. The results of her research have produced 8 patents and a software registration. She has done postdoctoral stays at the Universities of Cassino, City University of London and Pontificia de Peru.