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"Flores de Lemus" Institute

Institute Website
"Flores de Lemus" Institute
Support personnel
Francisco García Saavedra
+ 34 91 6249848

Type of institute

LOU (Constitutional Law of Universities) Institute.
Year: 1992 (LOU 2001)


  • Director: Stefano Cabras
  • Secretary: Helena Veiga


Instituto Flores de Lemus (IFL) is a research center in the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid whose general objectives are to generate and divulge internationally renowned research in the following fields:

  • Economic prediction
  • Macroeconomic analysis
  • Quality control and statistic control applied to social sciences and engineering.

Lines of research

  • Prediction and Macroeconomic Analysis Laboratory
  • Methods for Quality Improvement Laboratory
  • Intense Computational Techniques Laboratory

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