Sara Martínez Cardama

Professor Sara Martínez Cardama
Ph.D. with international mention and extraordinary award from the Universidad Carlos III. Master's degree in Documentation Research from the University Carlos III of Madrid (2009-2011) with the extraordinary award at the end of studies. Diploma and Degree in Documentation from the University of A Coruña with National Award. FPU grant from the Ministry of Education for the training of university professors. She is currently Visiting Professor in the Department of Library Science at the University Carlos III. Accredited by ANECA for Tenure-Track position (Profesor Titular)
In her teaching activity, she has taught courses in Spanish and English in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the Universidad Carlos III and specialization courses on different subjects related to Information and Documentation, organized by other national and foreign entities.
Regarding her research activity, she is a member of the research group ACROPOLIS. Her main lines of research are libraries and their services, public policies on Information, and Transparency. On these topics, she has published articles in national and international journals with impact factor, indexed in Journal Citation Reports, Scopus, MIAR, and LATINDEX catalog. She has authored and co-authored chapters of books published by prestigious publishers like Tecnos, Pirámide, Gedisa, and Tirant Lo Blanch. She actively participates in national and international competitive projects. She has been a reviewer for ten national and international journals.
In university management, she has been academic secretary of the Department of Library Science and Documentation since 2016 and academic secretary of the Agustín Millares University Institute since 2019.