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Very experienced fellow

Verena Berger

Verena Berger

Doctorate from:
University of Vienna, Austria

Department at UC3M:
Journalism and Audiovisual


CONEX Fellow from 02/02/15 to 28/02/17


"MTSRM- Mobility, Time and Space in African, Asian and Latin American Road Movies"

This research project aims to produce a comparative analysis of film genre conventions in Latin American, African and Asian Road Movies. Frequently understood as films that typically represent American culture, the narrative of “on the road” travel has become an ideal format for visual depictions of travel as well as for the representation of individual and/or trans/national identity. Three main research questions will be addressed: In which way and to what extent are different film cultures integrating the classical matrices of US movies (and European models) in their genre production? How is a foreign format translated into a setting that could serve local audiences as a medium for reflection about identity? How can a comparative schema of genre conventions in World Cinema be established? This interdisciplinary project will be guided by mixed-methods practice, focusing on the concepts of mobility, space and time.


Verena Berger teaches at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Vienna, Austria. In 1992 she obtained a PhD-grant from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science; in 1993 she received a research grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya/Institut d’Estudis Catalans, and in 2005 a FRP-Grant from the Canadian Government. She was a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in 2013-2014. In 2002 she received the Best Practice Bank Austria award for innovative teaching.
Her main areas of research include theory and history of Cinema, Television and Media, as well as Comparative Film and Television Studies.

Verena Berger is the author of Theater und Sprache. Das katalanische Theater zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie (Theatre and Language: The Catalan Theatre between Dictatorship and Democracy, 1999) and her most recent publications as co-editor include Latin America: Identities and Frontiers in Cinema and Television in the Age of Globalization (2013), and Polyglot Cinema: Migration and Transcultural Narration in France, Italy, Portugal and Spain (2010).

Dissemination Activities


  • Berger, Verena 2016, "Travelling Cinema - La road movie latinoamericana en el contexto global", en: Lefere, Robin/Lie, Nadia (Eds.), Nuevas perspectivas sobre la transnacionalidad del cine hispánico, Leiden/Boston, Rodopi, 159-178.
  • Berger. Verena 2015. " ‚Ästhetik der Peripherieʻ. Das kolumbianische Kino zwischen Tradition und Neuorientierung" en: Christian von Tschilschke, Maurer Queipo, Maribel Ceden Rojas (eds.), Lateinamerikanisches Kino der Gegenwart. Themen, Genres/Stile, RegisseurInnen Tubinga, Stauffenburg, 93-114.
