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Inmaculada Colomina

Immaculada Colomina Limonero

Doctorate from:
UNED Madrid, Spain

Department at UC3M:
Humanities: History, Geography and Art


CONEX Fellow from 01/01/15 to 30/06/2019


"The United States international relief policy for spanish children and women refugees before the formation of the united nations (1939-1945)."

The Spanish Civil War produced an intense reaction all over the globe.
As soon as the civil war broke out in 1936, North American organizations of all ideologies, from deeply religious to leftist, came to help the victims on both sides of the conflict. They first assisted during the war and as the war ended in 1939, they aided the refugees relocated in France and other countries that were in need of urgent Assistance. All these United States organizations worked separately or together, and often joined efforts with other international institutions as the Red Cross to save many lives.

This is an interdisciplinary project with a strong link between Gender Studies, Social, Religious, Philosophical and Historical Sciences. Its uniqueness is that it points out an important subject, which despite being one of the major humanitarian efforts in the 20th Century, remains almost unknown.


Refugees focusing on Women and Children Studies are the main core of my specialization.

I was a post-doctoral researcher for five years at the Arizona State University, United States of America, leading a research about international humanitarian relief during the Spanish Civil War. Also was involved in the three-year USAID-funded “Armenian Women’s Leadership Project,” which has pioneered the development of a Center for Gender and Leadership Studies at Yerevan State University.

During my doctoral studies I joined a national research team about the Spanish refugee children in the Soviet Union funded by the Spanish Government. Therefore have been continuously travelling from Spain to Russia to do research in Soviet Archives and pursued Oral History research.

Due to my multidisciplinary background my analyses are always cross-sectional. On top of a PhD in History, I hold  3 Master Degrees in Socio-Cultural Anthropology and Information Sciences.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, Russian, English, German and French.

Book Chapters

  • “El exilio infantil provocado por la guerra civil. Apuntes historiográficos.” Chapter in Book; Luces y Sombras del 14 de abril. Eduardo González Calleja and Álvaro Ribagorda (eds). Col. Historia, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2017. ISBN: 978-84-16647-61-3
  • “Children at the border. A Historical Overview of the Second World War” In the book: Unaccompanied Children crossing borders. VVAA (in press).

Journal Articles

  • “El retorno de los españoles repatriados de la Unión Soviética”. Journal Historia y Comunicación Social, Monográfico: 1917. Revolución y Comunicación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Vol. 23, nº1, 2018. pp 23-32
  • “Expatriados, Testimonio del exilio republicano, niños de la guerra y del exilio. Campos de Concentracion Segunda Guerra Mundial y Guerrilleros” Journal Hispania Nova. Ed. Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. December, 2017.PAg 787-791
  •  “Dreaming of Moscow; Spain and the Soviet Union”. Journal of Contemporary History, (in press).
  • “Blue Victors & Red Losers. Returned Spaniards from the Soviet Union” in Historia y Comunicación Social. (in press).


  • Conference Entre España y Rusia. Recuperando la historia de los Niños de la Guerra:Vida i exili dels nens de la guerra refugiats a la Unió Soviètica”, Arxiu Històric de Terrassa Tarrasa, November 2017
  • International Conference: Children on the Move, “Children of the Spanish Civil War. Biopolitics and Resilence”. Organized by University of Padova, Italy, June, 2017.
  • International Conference: Historical Links between Spain and North America. Hispanic Roots and Heritage Yesterday and Today, “Herding Globally. Spanish sheepherders in Arizona”. Organized by Universidad Alcalá de Henares and Benjamin Franklin Institute in Spain, in May, 2017
  • II International Symposium on Gender Law and Constitutions: Ensuring Gender Equality in Constitutions. Organized by United Nations Women and the United States Institute of Peace.  Washington DC. United States of America. April, 2017. Acting as a formal representative of the Gender Studies Institute of University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain"
  • International Conference: Centennial of the American Friends Service Committee, “The American Friends Service Committee and the victims of the Spanish Civil War” Organized by AFSC Centennial, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. United States of America. April, 2017
  • International Conference: Borders, Imagined and Real. Title: “Unaccompanied Children crossing borders” Organized by The American University in Macedonia. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. May, 2016.
  • International conference: Rusia y España. Política, Economía, Cultura .Title: “De Nuevo otra Guerra” organized by Russian National Research University (World Economy and International Relationships College) in Moscow, Russia April, 2016.

Invited Speaker

  • Keynote Speaker at the Meeting “Los refugiados españoles” (The Spanish Refugee) at Espacio Mercado, City Council of Getafe, Madrid, Spain. 6 de Noviembre
  • Exhibit’s Grand Opening ceremony and Keynote Speech. “Los niños de la Guerra en la Unión Soviética” (The Spanish children in the Soviet Union). City Council of Gijon, September 2017

Reviews for international academic journals

  • Review and evaluation in Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea nº 18  (2016)pp. 161-183; by Georgy Filatov “La visita del grupo especial de “turistas soviéticos” a España en el año 1969 en el contexto de las relaciones URSS-España durante el tardofranquismo”.
  • Review  in Hispania Nova nº 15 (2017) pp. 545-547; by Carlos Barciela y Carmen Rodenas (eds.) Chemins de fer, Chemins de sable: Los españoles del Transahariano. Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante, 2016.


  • Organization of an International Seminar on International Humanitarian Relief that will be held at University Carlos III in February 2017.

Other Activites

  • European Expert Evaluator: H2020 Marie Curie Expert Evaluator at the Research Executive Agency, REA. ID: EX2015D238352
  • H2020-COST Action Proposal OC-2017-1-22465 "European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network" to the COST Open Call OC-2017-1. Joint Research Collaboration. October 2018
  • Independent Expert Evaluator in International Research, Educational Programs and Erasmus+ Actions at the Spanish Service for International Education (SEPIE:Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación) Spanish Ministry of Education, Science and Universities. Appointment in Spanish BOE 273, November, 2018.