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Citizen Assistance Offices for Official Registry

The General Registry Office of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is unique, electronic and accessible from its Electronic Registry, and collects, in accordance with the principles and rules governing its operation, the entry registration of documents submitted or received for the University.

Through the General Registry, documents may also be submitted for telematic transmission to other public administrations and entities of the institutional public sector that are integrated in the Registry Interconnection System (SIR).

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has a Citizen's Assistance Office for Registry Matters on each of its campuses.

The Citizen Registry Assistance Offices perform the following functions:

  • Receipt of applications, writings and communications submitted in the Electronic Registry and digitalization of those submitted in paper format, for forwarding to the persons, services or sections to which they are addressed.
  • Telematic forwarding of documentation to other public administrations and entities of the institutional public sector that are integrated in the Registry Interconnection System (SIR).
  • Making of official copies of original documents provided by the interested parties, when required by the rules governing a procedure or administrative activity.
  • Assistance in the identification and electronic signature to citizens.
  • Accreditation office for the issuance of electronic certificates given by FNMT.


The documents that the interested persons address to the organs of the Public Administrations can be presented:

  1. In the electronic registry of the Administration or Body to which they are addressed, as well as in the remaining electronic registries of any of the subjects referred to in Article 2.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.
  2. At post offices, in the manner established by regulation.
  3. At diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad.
  4. In the Citizen Assistance Offices for Official Registry.

Citizen Assistance Offices for Registry

Colmenarejo Campus
Miguel de Unamuno Building, ground floor
Avd. Gregorio Peces-Barba Martínez, nº 22
28270 Colmenarejo (Madrid)
Telephone number:  91 856 12 29

Getafe Campus

School of Law and Social Sciences
The Decanato Building, ground floor
C/ Madrid, 126
28903 Getafe - Madrid
Telephone number: 91 624 95 48

Leganés Campus
Sabatini Building, Office 2.0.A.06
Avda. de la Universidad, 30
28911 Leganés (MADRID)
Telephone number : 91 624 94 33

Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus 
Information Office, room 0.B.03
Ronda de Toledo, 1
28005 Madrid
Telephone number: 91 624 40 60


Working days, Monday to Friday: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


The main objective of the Electronic Registry Office is to improve communication between the University and members of the University community and with other users from outside the University.  The opening of the Electronic Registry Office provides another channel of communication enabling users to access the most up to date information and carry out administrative procedures online. Through this service, users can present documents online or access University administrative services at any time.

Digital certificates

The Citizen Assistance Offices for Official Registry in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid allow you to prove your identity in order to obtain the FNMT Digital Certificate.

More Information