Martin Portos García

- Doctorado en: Políticas y Ciencias Sociales
- Departamento UC3M: Ciencias Sociales
- E-mail (uc3m):
Proyecto: ‘¿Críticos y disconformes? El compromiso político de la juventud europea en tiempos de desigualdades’ (CRYSIS)
De la Primavera Árabe a la movilización de los indignados, de las huelgas estudiantiles por el clima a las protestas feministas masivas, una nueva generación se ha unido a la política de contienda, con ideas creativas para el desarrollo de sociedades más inclusivas, igualitarias y sostenibles. En algunos de los países más duramente castigados por la crisis financiera, un número sustancial de jóvenes europeos está movilizándose política y socialmente. Para ello, los jóvenes activistas combinan repertorios de acción innovadores y tradicionales, eligiendo predominantemente formas de participación política intermitentes, centradas en temas específicos, no-institucionalizadas y horizontales. A través de un enfoque metodológico innovador y multidisciplinar, que incluye una comparación paralela de los casos italiano y español (triangulando evidencia empírica cualitativa, experimental y de encuestas), el proyecto de investigación CRYSIS trata de analizar las actitudes, el compromiso político y la participación de adultos jóvenes. También analiza cómo estos elementos están influenciados por fuentes de desigualdad múltiples e interseccionales, tales como el género, la raza, la clase social, los entornos étnico-religiosos y geográficos.
Martín Portos es investigador CONEX-Plus Marie Curie en CC. Sociales en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Tras completar un Grado en Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Primer Premio Nacional de Fin de Carrera) y un Máster en Investigación Política por la Universidad de Oxford, obtuvo un doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Políticas por el Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia en 2017. Fue galardonado con el Premio Juan Linz a la Mejor Tesis en Ciencia Política y ganó la Competición Mundial para Jóvenes Sociólogos de la ISA. Ha sido investigador en COSMOS, Scuola Normale Superiore (Italia), 2016-2020. Investiga sobre participación política, movimientos sociales, desigualdad y nacionalismo. Sus trabajos han sido publicados en múltiples revistas internacionales revisadas por pares, tales como Information, Communication & Society; Mobilization; Regional Studies; West European Politics, entre otras. Ha escrito dos monografías: “Social Movements and Referendums from Below” (Policy Press/Bristol University Press, 2017, con D. della Porta et al.), y “Grievances and Public Protests” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
Perfiles públicos del investigador:
- Twitter: @mportosg
- Página web:
Scientific Production
Book monographs:
della Porta, D., Bertuzzi, N., Chironi, D., Milan, C. Portos, M., & Zamponi, L. 2022. Resisting the backlash: Street protest in Italy. Abingdon: Routledge (The Mobilization series).
Portos, M. 2021. Grievances and Public Protests: Political Mobilization in Spain in the Age of Austerity. London: Palgrave MacMillan (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology).
Articles (peer-reviewed):
Zamponi, L., Baukloh, A., Bertuzzi, N., Chironi, D., della Porta, D., & Portos, M. (Water) Bottles and (street) barricades: the politicisation of lifestyle-centred action in youth climate strike participation. Journal of Youth Studies,, forthcoming.
Uba, K., Lavizzari, A., & Portos, M. Experience of economic hardship and right-wing political orientation hinder climate concern among European young people. Journal of Contemporary European Studies,, forthcoming.
Lobera, J., & Portos, M. The private is political: partisan persuasion through mobile instant messaging services. International Journal of Public Opinion Research,, forthcoming.
della Porta, D., & Portos, M. Rich kids of Europe? Social basis and strategic choices in the climate activism of Fridays for Future. Italian Political Science Review/ Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica,, forthcoming.
Bosi, L., Lavizzari, A., & Portos, M. 2022. The impact of intolerance on young people’s online political participation. Politics, 42(1): 95–107,
Portos, M., & Carvalho, T. 2022. Alliance building and eventful performances: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories in the shadow of the Great Recession. Social Movement Studies, 21(1–2): 42–61,
Alcalde, J., & Portos, M. 2021. Stop Mare Mortum y el movimiento de solidaridad con los refugiados en Barcelona. Empiria, 52: 151–174,
Lobera, J., & Portos, M. 2021. Decentralizing electoral campaigns? New-old parties, grassroots and digital activism. Information, Communication & Society, 24(10): 1419–1440,
della Porta, D., & Portos, M. 2021. A bourgeois story? The class basis of Catalan independentism. Territory, Politics, Governance, 9(3): 391–411,
Pirro, A.L.P., & Portos, M. 2021. Populism between voting and non-electoral participation. West European Politics, 44(3): 558–584,
Bazurli, R., & Portos, M. 2021. Crook! The impact of perceived corruption on non-electoral forms of political behavior. International Political Science Review, 42(2): 245–260,
Chironi, D., & Portos, M. 2021. Together we stand? Coalition-building in the Italian and Spanish feminist movements in times of crisis. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 4(2): 291–309,
Portos, M. 2020. Europe in the Procés: European (dis-)integration and Catalan secessionism. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 7(3): 265–290,
Loukakis, A., & Portos, M. 2020. Another brick in the wall? Young people, protest and non-protest claims in nine European countries. American Behavioral Scientist, 64(5): 669–685,
della Porta, D., & Portos, M. 2020. Social movements in times of inequalities: struggling against austerity in Europe. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 53: 116–126,
Portos, M., Bosi, L., & Zamponi, L. 2020. Life beyond the ballot box: the political participation and non-participation of electoral abstainers. European Societies, 22(2): 231–265,
Chapters in edited volumes:
Parks, L., della Porta, D., & Portos, M. “Environmental and climate activism and advocacy in Europe”. In T. Rayner, K. Szulecki, A. Jordan, S. Oberthür (eds.) Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. [forthcoming]
della Porta, D., & Portos, M. 2022. “Political Participation in a Globalized World”. In M. Giugni, M. Grasso (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lavizzari, A., & Portos, M. 2021. “Disclosing inequalities: Gender and patterns of political participation among the Italian youth”. In M. Giugni, M. Grasso (eds.) Youth and Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
della Porta, D., Gunzelmann, H. J., & Portos, M. 2021. “Repression and Democracy amidst the Eventful 1-O Referendum”. In Ó. García Agustín (ed.) Catalan Independence and the Crisis of Sovereignty. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Voices and entries in encyclopaedias:
Portos, M. 2022. Independentism in Catalonia. In D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, D. McAdam (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. [forthcoming]
Talks and conference presentations [SL= section leader; PC= panel chair; PPG= presenter or paper giver; D= discussant]
(PPG) ECPR/SG Participation & Mobilisation, ESA/RN25 Midterm Conference, ‘The Merrier, the Fewer? Political Dissatisfaction and Protest Size Fluctuations in Times of Austerity’, Tartu, October 2020 (webinar).
(PG) Book Launch Seminar, ‘Grievances and Public Protests’, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, October 2020 (online).
(PG) EJCPS Special Issue Launch Seminar, ‘Europeanisation from below: Still time for another Europe?’, Helsinki, January 2021 (webinar).
(D) Curso Internacional ‘Movimientos, agendas y nuevos horizontes políticos: Retos y alternativas ante la crisis civilizatoria’, session ‘Revisitando el 15M, 10 años después’, ISA RC-47 and Universidad Complutense, Madrid, May 2021.
(PPG) 15th AECPA Meeting (Spanish Association of Political Science), ‘Urban rebels? A Gendered Approach to Young People’s Domicile and Protest in Nine European Countries’, July 2021 (online).
(PPG) Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA), ‘What makes young people’s participation distinctive? Evidence from nine European democracies’, August 2021 (online).
(PPGx2) European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, ‘Urban rebels? A Gendered Approach to Young People’s Domicile and Protest in Nine European Countries’ and ‘Climate Strike Participants and the Politicisation of Lifestyle-Centred Changes’, August/September 2021 (online).
(PPG) Social Movements Workshop in honor of Donatella della Porta, ‘Grievances and Public Protests. Political Mobilisation in Spain in the Age of Austerity’, University of Crete, September 2021 (online).
(PPG) Workshop Actors without arena? Bringing the political behaviour of youths and immigrants into the mainstream, ‘Urban rebels? A gendered approach to domicile and youth protest in nine European countries’, Hertie School/ DeZIM, Berlin, May 2022.
(PC; PPGx2) ECPR/SG Participation & Mobilisation, ESA/RN25 Midterm Conference, ‘Urban rebels? A gendered approach to domicile and youth protest in nine European countries’ and ‘Protest tactics, state responses and the relational dynamics of the repertoire of contention during Spain’s anti-austerity cycle’, Trento, June 2022.
(D; PPGx2) 28th International Conference of Europeanists CES, ‘Grievances, social class and support for independence in Catalonia’ and ‘Eppur si muove! Young people, issue salience and volatility in nine European countries’, Iscte– IUL, Lisbon, June-July 2022.
(PPGx3) 117th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, ‘Urban rebels? A gendered approach to domicile and youth protest in nine European countries’, ‘(Water) Bottles and (street) barricades: the politicisation of lifestyle-centred action in youth climate strike participation’ and ‘Rich kids of Europe? Social basis and strategic choices in the climate activism of Fridays for Future’, Los Angeles, CA, August 2022.
Referee for Agencia Estatal de Investigación (State Research Agency, Government of Spain), 2019-; FWO- Flemish Research Foundation, 2022-.
Referee for scientific journals, e.g., Acta Politica; Acta Sociologica; Comparative European Politics; East European Politics; European Journal of Women’s Studies; European Societies; French Politics; International Journal of Comparative Sociology; Mobilization; Nations & Nationalism; Partecipazione e Conflitto; Political Behavior; Political Psychology; Political Research Exchange; Political Research Quarterly; Political Science Research & Methods; Revista Española de Sociología; Revista Internacional de Sociología; Social Movement Studies; Sociological Forum; South European Society & Politics; West European Politics; World Politics.
International advisory board, I+D+I research project “Youth activisms: Compromisos sociopolíticos y activismos juveniles en una sociedad individualizada”. PI: Jorge Benedicto (UNED), 2022-.
Reports, media contributions, and contributions to public debate:
Bazurli, R., & Portos, M. 2021. How corruption drives political participation – and the people most likely to mobilise, The Loop – ECPR’s Political Science Blog (, 24/05/2021.
Pirro, A.L.P., & Portos, M. 2021. Supporters of populist parties exhibit higher levels of political engagement than non-populist voters, LSE EUROPP blog– European Politics and Policy of the London School of Economics (, 09/03/2021.
Pirro, A.L.P., & Portos, M. 2021. Sobre el voto populista y la participación política no electoral: Cinco lecciones que hemos aprendido. Nada es Gratis (, 08/02/2021.
della Porta, D., Zamponi, L., Baukloh, A., Bertuzzi, N., Chironi, D., & Portos, M. 2020. Italy. In J. de Moor, K. Uba, M. Wahlström, M. Wennerhag, M. de Vydt (eds.) Protest for a future II: Composition, mobilization and motives of the participants in Fridays For Future climate protests on 20-27 September, 2019 in 19 cities around the world. Retrieved from:
Bosi, L., Portos, M., & Uba, K. 2020. Protest, repression and solidarity across generations. Pp. 14-24 in Giugni, M. (ed.) Integrated Report on Experimental Analysis, Workpackage 5, EURYKA project. Retrieved from:
Interviews and media coverage:
TV report "Diez años del 15M: ¿qué cambió de la política española?", Televisión Española TVE-1 Telediario (News), 15/05/2021,
TV report "15M: qué fue de los indignados?", La hora de la 1, Televisión Española TVE-1, 14/05/2021.
Expert roundtable: "Diez años del 15M: ¿qué cambiaron los indignados?", Asociación de Comunicación Política,, 12/05/2021.
“Un 40% en el paro, un 83% en casa de sus padres y un 32% muy triste: la frustración de una generación con dos crisis a cuestas”, InfoLibre, 07/03/2021,
“La nueva normalidad, con Martín Portos”, Polileaks, 13/02/2021,
“Experts on the political participation of youth: China and Southern Europe”, European Dialogue Expert Group, 28/12/2020,
Non-academic secondment & external advisor, National Office of Prospective and Strategy, Presidency of the Government of Spain. February 2022- May 2022.
I have contributed to design a first major survey study on prospective policy approval— data and report will be made available in the coming months.
I have contributed to three internal policy notes for the President’s Office on different strategic topics
I have revised a podcast disseminating some policy-related aspects of the ONPE’s Strategy for 2050 Spain— it will be made available in the coming months.