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Defense of the doctoral thesis of Alberto Zarzuelo García (GOTL member) on “Microwave Generation by Integrated Photonics-based Techniques for Flexible Satellite Payloads”


Event Info: May 17th, 2024. 11:00 - 13:00 horas, Leganés, UC3M

Alberto Zarzuela y jurado

On Friday, May 17th, the member of the Group of Optoelectronics and Laser Technology (GOTL), Alberto Zarzuelo García, defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Microwave Generation by Integrated Photonics-based Techniques for Flexible Satellite Payloads". In his thesis, he carried out a study among the different techniques of frequency generation in the microwave and millimeter-wave range using photonics-based techniques to find the most suitable one for Satellite Communications (SatComs). More specifically, for high throughput satellites. The thesis focuses mainly on on-chip integrated systems. Some of the most novel integrated semiconductor laser structures of the last decade are presented, targeting frequency generation in the Ka (25 GHz), Q (32 GHz) and V (50 GHz) bands. These laser structures have tunability as a key point. They can cover the entire microwave and millimeter range while maintaining small size, weight and reduced power consumption. This is a major advantage over conventional high-frequency systems. The main drawback is the stability of the generated signal. The thesis proposes a study of three generation techniques based on single mode lasers, pulsed lasers and extended cavity lasers.

The jury was formed by Rui Santos (PhotonIP), Enrico Lia (ESA) and David Sanchez (UC3M). They awarded him a Suma Cumme Laude grade.