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Roxanne Hiltz


Roxanne Hiltz - New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA)

Sociologist Starr Roxanne Hiltz conceived the idea of virtual classrooms, and designed, implemented, and studied the first on-line education systems. Currently, she is Distinguished Professor Emerita in the New Jersey Institute of Technology. She received her MA and PhD in Sociology from Columbia University in 1964 and 1969. She has conducted extensive work in development of on-line education programs, and studied the social impacts of computer technology and computer-mediated communication. Dr. Hiltz’s publications include: The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer, with Murray Turoff, The Virtual Classroom: Learning Without Limits Via Computer Networks, and Learning Together Online: Research on Asynchronous Learning Networks with Ricki Goldman.


PROJECT: At UC3M, Dr. Hiltz has been working on several projects related to the emphasis of the DEI Laboratory on Emergency Response Information Systems, particularly on the TIPEx project ( a Spanish acronym for Information Technologies for Planning and Training for Emergency Situations). The goal of the TIPEx project is to improve the definition of emergency plans and training. It is based on the concept of scenarios as key elements, and the reusability of existing plans and their extensibility, making use of advanced interfaces and document engineering. In collaboration with partners at the Universidad Pablo Olavide as well as at UC3, work has begun on identifying the events and relationships and modelling techniques to build a set of dynamic scenarios about possible crisis events in Spain.

Stay Period: NOV 10 - APR 11


Title: "Making partially distributed teams successful"

Author: Prof. Roxanne Hiltz

Date: January 31, 2011

Time: 15:00h

Place: Aula Grados Padre Soler


1. Ignacio Aedo, Paloma Díaz, Victor A. Bañuls, Jose-H. Canos, Starr Roxanne Hiltz. "Information Technologies for Emergency Planning and Training". 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM2011). Lisboa (Portugal), 8-11 Mayo 2011
2. Co-edición del número especial “Social Media and Collaborative Systems for Crisis Management” para ACM Transactions on Human Computer Interaction.