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Jeffrey Geronimo


Jeffrey Geronimo - Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)

Jeffrey Geronimo received his PhD in Physics from the Rockefeller Institute. He has a BSc in Physics and Chemistry from the State University of New York at Albany. He is Professor of Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His visiting teaching positions have included Carlos III University of Madrid, the Center for Nuclear Physics in Saclay, France, and the Department of Biophysics at the Rockefeller University in New York. Dr. Geronimo’s current research interests are in applied mathematics, scattering theory, orthogonal polynomials, dynamical systems, iterated maps, numerical analysis and wavelets. He has published more than 70 articles and has been an invited speaker in numerous international conferences, meetings and symposia. In 1996 he was named the Best Thesis Advisor at Georgia Tech.


Project: Use the new recurrence formulas found for bivariate real orthogonal polynomials and the connection with matrix orthogonal polynomials to shed light on the two variable moment problem and develop a two variable scattering theory. Study the ratio and strong asymptotics of solutions of difference equations especially those connected with orthogonal and multiple orthogonal polynomials. Investigate multivariate Rodriguez formulas for multivariable real orthogonal polynomials.

Stay Period: JAN 12 - JUL 12


Professor: Jeffrey Geronimo
Tittle: Some problems associated with two variable polynomials orthogonal on the bi-circle
Date: March 15, 2012 at 16:00h
Place: Leganes Campus