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Liam Bannon


Liam Bannon - University of Limerick (IRELAND)

Liam Bannon is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Founding Director of the Interaction Design Center at the University of Limerick, Visiting Professor at University College, Cork, and Honorary Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at Aarhus University in Denmark.
He earned his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He graduated in Psychology with a concentration in Computer Science from University College Dublin, and has a Masters in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin. He has also been Visiting Professor at the Universities of Sassari, Trento, and Siena in Italy, and at CNAM and Troyes in France.
His research interests are human-centered design, cognitive ergonomics, human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, knowledge management, computer-supported collaborative learning, new media and interaction design, and social dimensions of new technologies.
He has published more than one hundred and fifty articles and book chapters. He is a founding editor of the Computer Supported Collaborative Work Journal. Professor Bannon is a Fellow of the Irish Ergonomics Society and an Honorary Doctor, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


Project: This project involves an analysis and re-formulation of the foundations of the computing discipline, with the aim of incorporating the human, social, cultural and political aspects of technology design and use. In brief, the limitations of the view that computer science is focused solely on mechanization - as expressed in the refrain"What can be automated?" - will be explored, and a re-conceptualization of computing as also being a human activity, as noted by computer scientist Peter Naur, among others, will be put forward. The implications of this change in viewpoint will be examined.

Stay Period: JAN 12 - JUN 12