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Manuel Martínez Sánchez


Manuel Martínez Sánchez - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (EEUU)

Manuel Martínez Sánchez graduated as an Aeronautical Engineer in Madrid (ETSIA) in 1967, and received his PhD degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1973. He has been since 1974 in the Faculty of the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, where he is currently a Professor, as well as the Director of its Space Propulsion Laboratory.

He collaborated in the launching of the Aerospace Engineering program of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Terrassa), where he holds a part-time teaching position. Prof. Martínez' research deals with the physics and engineering of Electric Propulsion thrusters for spacecraft propulsion, with extension to other areas of plasma engineering, such as Magneto Hydrodynamics, Electrodynamic Tethers and Magnetospheric waves. Under his direction, the MIT Space Propulsion Laboratory has carried out basic research and initial development of several new electric thrusters, including plasma accelerators with innovative magnetic geometry and liquid-based Electro-spray ion micro-thrusters.

He has published about fifty journal papers, and has supervised twenty-seven doctoral theses and ninety-one master's theses. His teaching is in the general aircraft and rocket propulsion area.


Project: The principal activity planned for Prof. Martínez' six-month Chair is centered on his support of the development of the new Aerospace Program at the Carlos III University of Madrid. This will include active participation on the design of the new Master in Aerospace program, development of several undergraduate and graduate subjects related to Propulsion (with partial teaching depending on scheduling issues), and general advice on the overall architecture of the program. Prof. Martínez brings to this task an extensive teaching experience at MIT, including two periods leading the signature combined subject Unified Engineering, plus his more recent experience with the Terrassa program. Also possible, schedule permitting, is a research Seminar on Space Propulsion, as well as support for initiation of propulsion research at the new Leganés facilities.

Stay Period: JAN 12 - AUG 12, JAN 13 and JUN 13- JUL 13


Lecturer: Manuel Martínez Sánchez
Title: Topics in Space Propulsion
Date: January 18, 2013 at 12:30h
Place: Salón de Grados del Edificio Padre Soler (Campus de Leganés)