Pedro Barceló y Batiste
- Chairs of Excellence
- Chairs of Excellence 2012
- Pedro Barceló y Batiste
Pedro Barceló y Batiste - Universität Potsdam (ALEMANIA)
Professor Pedro Barceló was born 30th April 1950 in Vinaròs (Spain). He has been graduated andlínea doctorate (PhD) in History and German Philology at the University of Freiburg in 1976 and 1980.
Between 1982 and 1988, he developed his position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow and finally got a second habilitation (PhD) at the University of Eichstätt. He was Acting Professor of Ancient History at the Universities of Heidelberg and Eichstätt in 1988 and 1990 and also Visiting Professor at the Universities of South Africa (Pretoria) and Sofia (Bulgaria) in 1990 and 1993. In 1991, Barceló professor was Heisenberg-fellowship of the DFG at the University of Augsburg.
Pedro Barceló is twice Full Professor of Ancient History at the University of Erfurt (1991) and Potsdam (1993).
His presence in Spain is remarkable on several occasions: Corresponding Member of the Royal Historical Academy in Madrid (1995), Visiting Professor at the University of Barcelona (1996/97) and Honorary Doctorate of the University Jaume I de Castellón (2006)
Emphasizing its work overseas as Directeur d´études“ by l´École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne (2000), Founder and Co-director of the “Grupo Europeo de Investigación Histórica POTESTAS“ (between 2001 and today), Visiting Professor at the University of Florence (2005), Member of the Board of Ernst-Kirsten Gesellschaft (2008-2010), Referee for the Humboldt-Stiftung (since 2010), Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, University of Besançon (France, 2011).
Project: Between emperors and bishops. The anatomy of power in Late Antiquity (III –VI c.)
The present research project aims to invigorate the scientific discussion about the shift from Roman paganism to a Christian Empire in an era of change between the ancient and medieval world that left its mark on the historical developent of Europe.
This research project centers on the growing influence and the progressive assumption of the spheres of power by the Christian clerics and the interferences with the political powers within the Roman Empire. The complex relation between religion and politics in the Late Empire can shed light on later actors and historical processes which, since the Middle Ages, have shaped Western Civilisation in an irreversible and indelible way.
These aspects reflect only some of the most relevant issues that could be considered. They serve here to illustrate the method adopted in the research project, which will combine historical analys with sociology of religion, theology with history of law. Throug an precise and minue reconstruction of social reality, theology and politics which influenced emperos and bishops alike, we can obtain new insights into the working mechanisms of the politics of the age.
We can confidently state that, if our hypothesis can be confirmed, on the one hand a strong fabric continued imperial traditions while, on the other hand the strong innovative power of an epoch left its imprint of the dichotomy between church and state, shaped during these centuries as in no other time since.
Stay Period: SEP 12 - MAR 13
Lecturer: Pedro Barcelo y Batiste
Title: Constantino, entre Apolo y Cristo
Date: January 30 at 12:30h
Place: Aula Buero Vallejo Building 14