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Projects subject to public information

According to Article 7 e) of the Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance Act 19/2013 of 9 December 13 the University is required to make public any documents which, pursuant legislation on the sector, should be subject to a period of public information as part of their processing.
In this respect, article 40.2 of the Statutes of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid approved by Decree 1/2003 of 9 January and amended by Decree 95/2009 of 12 November, of the Governing Council of the Community of Madrid states that within the context of the University the exercise of the following competences, prior to approval by the Council, shall be submitted to consideration by the centres and bodies affected and made available as public information for a minimum term of 20 term -time days:

  • Approval of implementing provisions of the Statutes.
  • Creation, modification or abolition  of Departments and Departmental Sections as well as name changes.
  • Creation, modification or abolition of Faculties, Schools and University Institutes.
  • Establishment of  the selection, assessment and promotion of teaching and research personnel.
  • Establishment of  the selection, assessment, salary and promotion of administrative and service personnel.
  • Approval of regulations on the disciplinary responsibilities of members of the University Community, arising from non-compliance with their obligations and duties.
  • Establishment of an admissions regime for university studies and the capacity of  the centres and qualifications in accordance with current legislation.
  • Approval of regulations regarding student tenure and permanence.
  • Proposals for implementing regulated studies.
  • Approval of doctorate programmes proposed by University Departments or Institutes.
  • Approval of the collaboration policy with other Universities, natural persons and public or private bodies.

And according to Additional Provision three of the aforementioned statutes, the terms of public information may be reduced by half when the documentation is electronically available and provided that there is  a record of their date of publication.
In this context, documents to be published are those which, according to the  University Statutes should be subject to a period of public information.