Jean-Yves Sanchez
- Chairs of Excellence
- Chairs of Excellence 2013
- Jean-Yves Sanchez
Jean - Yves Sánchez
Jean-Yves Sanchez
Grenoble Institute of Technology FRANCE
Jean-Yves Sanchez academic route is characterized by a dual mobility: scientific (physical chemistry, polymer sciences, electrochemistry) and geographical (Montpellier-Algiers-Grenoble-Madrid). He obtained his PhD at Montpellier-1972, in Physical Organic Chemistry. After military service (1972-73) he got a post-doc (09/1973-03/1975) at ‘Institut Européen des Membranes’ where he performed pioneering researches on electron-conducting and mixed electron/ion conducting polymers. Then, he was sent by Foreign Office at Algiers University 1975-1986 where, despite harsh conditions, he co-created a polymer lab and obtained a ‘Doctorat es-sciences (Montpellier, 1981). Thereafter he became Associate Professor at Grenoble Institut Polytechnique in 1984. He created and headed (from 1997) ELSA-LEPMI, gathering ~ 24 researchers and became, in 1975, Full Professor.2nd Class. National Council awarded him positions 1st class in 2002, PRCE-1 in 2009 and the highest one PRCE-2 in 2014. He co-authored 140 publications (4 in press) 75% Q1 and filed 42 International Patents (3 pending). He supervised 30 PhD (3 awards). His researches are dedicated to electrochemical energy sources and he supervised 3 EU projects and a ten of National/Regional ones.
The Chair Of Excellence aimed at developing the new researches activities in polymer electrolytes-based energy sources, namely Fuel cells and Advanced Batteries. The Chair was hosted in SIPMAT (persons in charge: Prof.Alejandro Varez and Belen Levenfeld). We developed new topics dealing with sodium batteries based (i) on solvent-free polymer electrolytes and (ii) on gelled blends of polyethers and Na+-conducting ionomers. In parallel, we attempted European KICINNO projects. We obtained a financing from a company to gather results in order to obtain the GO, an indispensable requirement to apply, by spring 2015, a KICINNO Energy Call. The contract started by January 2015. Additionally, I submitted with a student, who got her PhD (2014) at Uc3M, an EU Marie-Curie gathering 3 partners Grenoble-Madrid- Padova. 2 papers will be promptly submitted, one dealing with sodium batteries and another one with PEM Fuel Cell membranes.
Stay period: JAN 2014 - JUL 2014