Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021
- TERAmeasure
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- Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021

TERAmeasure project participates in Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021
Date: October 5th 2021
Berlin Brandenburg is one of the innovation hotspots in very diverse fields of Photonics, optics, microsystems technologies and quantum technologies. Berlin Brandenburg is also a start-up hotspot in digital and also photonics-based technologies.
During this year’s Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg, TERAmeasure will participate in the session “Photonic terahertz technology for beyond 5G wireless communication”, which will be held on Tuesday, October 05, 2021 from 10:00 am, chaired by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Globisch (Assistant Professor Technische Universität Berlin & Head of THz Sensor Systems Group at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI) with the presentation by Project Coordinator, Prof. Guillermo Carpintero of the talk “Challenges for Beyond 5G instrumentation and test equipment “
More info on Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021 event: