TERAmeasure project presented by ANRITSU in Industrial Session at MWP2021 International conference
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- TERAmeasure project presented by ANRITSU in Industrial Session at MWP2021 International conference

TERAmeasure project presented by ANRITSU in Industrial Session at MWP2021 International conference
Date: November 16th 2021
ANRITSU presented TERAmeasure project in the Industrial session at the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) 2021, held on Tuesday, November 16, in the talk “Sp3 - Road towards photonic-VNA: innovation outlook.” by Enrico Brinciotti, (Field Application Engineer, Anritsu).
The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) is the premier international meeting on microwave photonic devices, systems, and applications. The Conference topics covers all the multi-disciplinary applications of microwave-photonics: the fiber distribution of microwave and millimeter-wave signals, the implementation of new microwave functions (long delays lines, fast spectrum analysis, frequency conversion, low phase-noise oscillators, ultra-fast analog-to-digital converters), and the development of high-speed optical sources, modulators and detectors with bandwidths extending into the millimeter-wave region.
MWP is held annually from 1996, and rotates between the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region, and Europe. Pisa (Italy) is the selected location for MWP2021, which will be held online only due to the COVID19 pandemic.
Session Program for Tuesday, November 16
10:15-10:30, Sp1 - MWP for EW Application, Alessandro Bozzo, Innovation Scientist, Elettronica
10:30-10:45, Sp2 - Integrated Microwave Photonics: From Concept to Cash Cow, Paul Van Dijk, Vice President, Strategy and Innovation, LioniX International
10:45-11:00, Sp3 - Road towards photonic-VNA: innovation outlook, Enrico Brinciotti, RF&uW Field Application Engineer, Anritsu
11:00-11:15, Sp4 - MENHIR-1550: Redefining microwave with ultra low-noise photonic oscillators, Florian Emaury, CEO, Menhir Photonics
11:15-11:30 Sp5 - Radio over Free-Space Optical Communication Systems and Applications, Daniele Lo Forti, Airbus Defence & Space, Airbus Italia
11:30-11:45 Sp6 - Longer Reach and Higher Capacity Wireless Transport: How to Win-Win an Impossible Match, Matteo Oldoni, PhD, Siae R&D Innovation, Siae Microelettronica.