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- Activities aimed at the general public:
A biologist, an engineer and a chemist join a lab… a story of how to combine different areas to solve common problems

Saturday, October 1, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Via streaming (a link will be sent to those who register)
What would have happened if the greatest scientists, from the same era but from different fields, had collaborated with a common purpose? How many of the scientific questions raised throughout our history could have been solved? For example, what would have occurred if Charles Darwin and Marie Curie, two of the great scientists born in the 19th century, had had the opportunity to put their brilliant ideas together? On most occasions, the gap of knowledge between a research field and others is a big obstacle that hinders the achievement of novel and relevant discoveries, essential to make us advance as a society. In this workshop, we will show you how a multidisciplinary team as ours (ranging from biologists to mechanical engineers), from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, addresses common research problems. We will show a glimpse of the synergies established between researchers from different areas and we will discuss how a collaborative environment helps to solve problems through distinct perspectives. If you are passionate about science and would like to know more about new potential research paths, we encourage you to attend this talk and we will tell you more based on our experience!
Daniel García González. Miguel Fernández de la Torre. Sara Garzon Hernandez. Alejandro Mejias Fernandez. Jorge Gonzalez-Rico Iriarte. Marisa López Donaire. Laura Alonso Alonso. Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structure Theory at UC3M.
Activity aimed at all types of public, with special interest to high school students and university degrees.
Reservation: through this online form
This activity is developed within the framework of 4D-BIOMAP (Biomechanical Stimulation based on 4D Printed Magneto-Active Polymer; Biomechanical Stimulation based on Magneto-Active Polymers by 4D printing) a project funded by the European Research Council through through an ERC Starting Grant from the Research and Innovation Framework Program of the European Union, Horizon 2020 (GA 947723). More info