TERAmeasure advance interconnects and spin-off LEAPWAVE TECHNOLOGIES presented at the Workshop on Microwave Photonics Alter-ETSIT
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- TERAmeasure advance interconnects and spin-off LEAPWAVE TECHNOLOGIES presented at the Workshop on Microwave Photonics Alter-ETSIT

Event Date: 25 November 2022
TERAmeasure Project Coordinator, Prof. Guillermo Carpintero, presented the latest results on the advanced Radiofrequency intercoonects at the Workshop on Microwave Photonics Alter-ETSIT, organized by Cátedra ALTER in the Telecomunications Engineers School (ETSIT, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación) from Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). The workshop was broadcasted by ZOOM, and gathered a number of experts in microwave photonics technology.
The workshop was presented by Manuel Sierra (Director of ETSIT Telecomunicación UPM), Demetrio López (Innovation Director of Alter Technology) and Ignacio Esquivias (Full professor in Photonics and Director of Cátedra ALTER-ETSIT)
Among the invited speakers were José Capmany (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), Guillermo Carpintero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Aintzane Lujambio (ALTER Technology) and Paolo Ghelfi (CNIT - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Tele-comunicazioni and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna).
In his talk titled “About waves and chips: Integrated microwave photonics”, Prof. Guillermo Carpintero not only reported the advances in the TERAmeasure project but also presented the new spin-off launched to commercialized these advances.