Marie Curie fellow

- Doctorado en: Química Sostenible
- Departamento UC3M: Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Aeroespacial
- E-mail (uc3m):
Project: "Sinergia entre la bioimpresión 3D de piel humana funcional y grafeno bactericida: nuevos enfoques para la curación de heridas y el tratamiento de infecciones"
Las quemaduras extensas son uno de los tipos de lesiones más graves que puede sufrir el cuerpo humano. Los pacientes desarrollan inmunosupresión y por ello la infección es, todavía hoy, inevitable en la mayoría de los casos. Durante el desarrollo de este innovador proyecto, sintetizaremos nuevos materiales bactericidas basados en grafeno (GBM) que se incorporarán en andamios 3D derivados de fibrina diseñados para prevenir infecciones en quemaduras extensas y otras grandes heridas abiertas (es decir, úlceras crónicas).
Los GBM se funcionalizarán con compuestos bioactivos, incluidos antibióticos que se sabe que luchan contra bacterias como P. aeruginosa (sensible a muy pocos antibióticos), obteniendo híbridos bactericidas mejorados que se incorporarán a los andamios mediante impresión 3D.
En general, este proyecto implica objetivos muy relevantes en la sociedad mundial actual como la lucha contra las infecciones de heridas, en particular en los hospitales, donde las bacterias constituyen cada vez más una grave amenaza.
Cristina Martín terminó sus estudios de Química en 2012 en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España) y obtuvo su doctorado en Química en 2016 por las Universidades de Trieste (Italia) y Castilla-La Mancha, trabajando bajo la codirección del Prof. Maurizio Prato y la Prof. Ester Vázquez. Durante su doctorado, pasó 3 meses en la Universidad de Brighton (Reino Unido) bajo la supervisión del Prof. Matteo Santin. Su tesis se centró en nuevos materiales compuestos basados en grafeno, principalmente hidrogeles para aplicaciones de auto-curación, administración controlada de fármacos o cultivo celular en 3D, entre otros. En 2016-2017 trabajó como investigadora postdoctoral en el IRICA (España), y en octubre de 2017 se incorporó al grupo del Dr. Alberto Bianco en Estrasburgo como postdoc, trabajando en la biodegradación y las aplicaciones biomédicas de nanoestructuras de carbono. Actualmente es editora invitada del número especial " Biomedical Applications of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials " en la revista de acceso abierto Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991, IF 4.034).
Sus intereses de investigación se centran en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales de bioingeniería para usos biomédicos, incorporando híbridos relacionados con el grafeno en los andamios para mejorar su rendimiento y aplicabilidad final.
Producción Científica
Updated information related to the Research at UC3M
1) Publicaciones Científicas
List of indexed papers:
1- Cristina Martín*. “Carbon-based nanomaterials for skin-related applications”. Boletín Grupo Español del Carbón nº 61. ISSN-e: 2172-6094.
2- Ruiz, A. et al. Nanoscale Adv., 2021,3, 4029-4036. Does black phosphorus hold potential to overcome graphene oxide? A comparative review of their promising application for cancer therapy
3- Cristina Martín*, Ariadna Bachiller, Yuta Nishina, José Luis Jorcano. “Plasma-derived fibrin hydrogels containing graphene oxide for infections treatment”. (In preparation to be submitted to ACS Materials Letters).
List of book chapters:
1.-Cristina Martín*, Dahiana Mojena, Ana Matesanz, Diego Velasco, Pablo Acedo, José Luis Jorcano*. “Smart biomaterials for skin tissue engineering and health monitoring” in New trends in smart nanostructured biomaterials in health sciences. Elsevier. (Expected date of publication: October 2022).
2) Actividades de Divulgación y Comunicación
1- Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Victoria Kent
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Fuenlabrada,
Date of event: 16/02/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2 -Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Pedro Duque
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Leganés,
Date of event: 03/02/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
3 -Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Guadalerzas
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Los Yébenes,
Date of event: 16/11/2021
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
4- Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Condestable Álvaro de Luna
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Illescas,
Date of event: 15/11/2021
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
5- Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente": ¿cómo lo conseguimos?
Name of the event: Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid 2021
Type of event: Conference/Workshop
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 12/11/2021
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Title of the work: Hidrogeles "inteligentes" y bioimpresión 3D: piel artificial con capacidad bactericida
Name of the event: Noche Europea de los Investigadores
Type of event: Conference/Workshop
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 30/09/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
7- Title of the work: Revolución de la bioimpresión 3D. El futuro en el trasplante de órganos.
Name of the event: Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid 2022
Type of event: Conference/Workshop
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 08/11/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
8-Title of the work: Plasma-derived fibrin hydrogels containing graphene oxide for infections treatment
Name of the conference: ESB2022_32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Bordeaux, France
Date of event: 04/09/2022 _ End date: 08/09/2022
Organising entity: European Society for Biomaterials
3) Otras actividades
1- Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Biophysics 1: Molecular, Cell and Tissue Physical Biology
Type of subject: Obligatory
Start date: 02/2022 End date: 05/2022
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
2- Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Cell and Molecular Biology
Type of subject: Core
Start date: 02/2022 End date: 05/2022
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
3-Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Biophysics 1: Molecular, Cell and Tissue Physical Biology
Type of subject: Obligatory
Start date: 02/2021 End date: 05/2021
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
4- Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Cell and Molecular Biology
Type of subject: Core
Start date: 02/2021 End date: 05/2021
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
Experience supervising doctoral thesis and/or final year projects
1- Project title: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of anti-bacterial properties of ZnO nanostructured systems
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: Aida Mayo Quirós
Date of reading: 14/10/2021
2- Project title: Estudios de biocompatibilidad in vivo de scaffolds 3D de óxido de grafeno para regeneración neural en la médula espinal lesionada
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: Esther Benayas Martín
Date of reading: 07/07/2021
Project title: Síntesis química de nanopartículas magnéticas con potenciales aplicaciones en terapia y diagnóstico médico
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: María Cantero Gil
Date of reading: 07/07/2021
4- Project title: Plasma-derived fibrin hydrogels containing graphene oxide for infections treatment
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: Ariadna Bachiller Pulido
Date of reading: 06/07/2021
Other activities/achievements:
Description of the activity: Jury member in the Masters Thesis Defense of Cristina Banda Sánchez.
Title:Modelado de tumores de páncreas mediante bioimpresión 3D.
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
End date: 05/07/2021
Description of the activity: Jury member in the Masters Thesis Defense of Saioa García Longarte.
Title: Gestión y desarrollo de una solución web de análisis de proteómica.
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
End date: 05/07/2021
3- Description of the activity: Jury member in the Masters Thesis Defense of Vicente Llorente Úbeda. Title: Imagen
tridimensional de vasculatura y poblaciones celulares SOX2+ en melanoma humano y modelo xenograft.
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
End date: 05/07/2021
4-Description of the activity: Previous external evaluator of the Doctoral Thesis of Ana Martín Pacheco.
Title: Multifunctional Hydrogels based on Carbon Nanomaterials.
Organising entity: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Type of entity: University
End date: 27/08/2019
5-“Premio al mejor artículo científico (1ª edición de los premios anuales a artículos publicados en el Boletín del GEC)” for the paper: Cristina Martín*. “Carbon-based nanomaterials for skin-related applications”. Boletín Grupo Español del Carbón nº 61. ISSN-e: 2172-6094.
Awarding entity: Grupo Español del Carbón (GEC)
Conferral date: 30/06/2022
6- Course on “Public speaking and professional presentation from a gender perspective”. March 2021, 10 hours.
1st course nanoCARE, course on Advanced Nanomedicine. May 2021. 9 hours.
Course on “Communicating science”. May 2021. 6 hours.
Course on “Protection of intellectual property and its transfer to the company”. June 2021, 6 hours.
Course on “Coaching aplicado a la Universidad”. June 2021. 8 hours.
Course on “Encuentro de Nanomedicina e Imagen Molecular”. November 2021. 8 hours.
Course on “Graphene for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. November 2021. 6 hours.
Secondment in Domotek from 16/05/2022 to 05/08/2022.
Cristina has had the opportunity to work on the 3D printing of fibrin-derived hydrogels containing graphene-based materials, jointly with researchers and employees from Domotek. In that environment, the fellow has acquired new skills related to the 3D printing technologies, from the software training to the scaffolds bioprinting. Different combinations of biopolymers have been studied in order to obtain “bioinks” consisting of GelMa, alginate, collagen, fibrinogen, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polycaprolactone and/or other agents with crucial roles in both the printability of the biomaterials and in the afterwards cell survival. In this regard, the different goals achieved could be summarized in:
-Knowledge on the manipulation of 3D models by using Cura software, as well as the 3D printer programming and use, have been gained by the secondee.
-Different scaffolds with tuneable compositions and structural properties, depending on the specific combinations and patterning of the biopolymer(s)/ graphene-derivative(s) mixtures, have been obtained.
-Electrospinning technique has been also used to generate nanofibers made of some of the above mentioned combinations.
The necessary research activities and other trainings to attain these goals have been developed under the guidance and supervision of the 3D bioprinting team of professionals at Domotek. The secondee has been integrated in the Domotek team of workers during all the secondment. In fact, Cristina was involved as well on the weekly meetings organized by the 3D bioprinting team of professionals. These meetings implied a professional relevance, especially considering the integration of Cristina in the working group, the brainstorming and the knowledge transfer process. Finally, she had also the opportunity to get involved in other professional networks (i.e. Tecnalia), acquiring knowledge related to 3D printing and also new skills and professional contacts attending different project meetings.
Moreover, thanks to Mr. Koldo Artola, the secondee knew about the “Curso de verán BIOIMPRESION 3D: TECNOLOXÍA EMERXENTE NA FRONTEIRA ENTRE A BIOMEDICINA EA ENXEÑARÍA (3ª EDICIÓN)”, which is one of the curses that the Fellow has recently followed.
Finally, in addition to the transference of knowledge and skills with industry and the broadening of the secondee´s professional networks, Domotek and UC3M have signed both an NDA and a MTA for the secondee to use the domoBIO bioprinter at the university until May 2023.
2) Actividades de Divulgación y Comunicación
1- Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Victoria Kent
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Fuenlabrada,
Date of event: 16/02/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2 -Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Pedro Duque
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Leganés,
Date of event: 03/02/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
3 -Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Guadalerzas
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Los Yébenes,
Date of event: 16/11/2021
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
4- Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente"¿Cómo lo conseguimos?. IES Condestable Álvaro de Luna
Name of the event: Sesiones científico-divulgativas en Centros de Secundaria
Type of event: Conferences given
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Illescas,
Date of event: 15/11/2021
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
5- Title of the work: Piel artificial "inteligente": ¿cómo lo conseguimos?
Name of the event: Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid 2021
Type of event: Conference/Workshop
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 12/11/2021
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Title of the work: Hidrogeles "inteligentes" y bioimpresión 3D: piel artificial con capacidad bactericida
Name of the event: Noche Europea de los Investigadores
Type of event: Conference/Workshop
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 30/09/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
7- Title of the work: Revolución de la bioimpresión 3D. El futuro en el trasplante de órganos.
Name of the event: Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid 2022
Type of event: Conference/Workshop
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 08/11/2022
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
8-Title of the work: Plasma-derived fibrin hydrogels containing graphene oxide for infections treatment
Name of the conference: ESB2022_32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Bordeaux, France
Date of event: 04/09/2022 _ End date: 08/09/2022
Organising entity: European Society for Biomaterials
3) Otras actividades
1- Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Biophysics 1: Molecular, Cell and Tissue Physical Biology
Type of subject: Obligatory
Start date: 02/2022 End date: 05/2022
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
2- Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Cell and Molecular Biology
Type of subject: Core
Start date: 02/2022 End date: 05/2022
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
3-Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Biophysics 1: Molecular, Cell and Tissue Physical Biology
Type of subject: Obligatory
Start date: 02/2021 End date: 05/2021
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
4- Type of teaching: Official teaching
Name of the course: Cell and Molecular Biology
Type of subject: Core
Start date: 02/2021 End date: 05/2021
Hours/ECTS credits: 6
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Faculty, institute or centre: School of engineering
Experience supervising doctoral thesis and/or final year projects
1- Project title: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of anti-bacterial properties of ZnO nanostructured systems
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: Aida Mayo Quirós
Date of reading: 14/10/2021
2- Project title: Estudios de biocompatibilidad in vivo de scaffolds 3D de óxido de grafeno para regeneración neural en la médula espinal lesionada
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: Esther Benayas Martín
Date of reading: 07/07/2021
Project title: Síntesis química de nanopartículas magnéticas con potenciales aplicaciones en terapia y diagnóstico médico
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: María Cantero Gil
Date of reading: 07/07/2021
4- Project title: Plasma-derived fibrin hydrogels containing graphene oxide for infections treatment
Entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Student: Ariadna Bachiller Pulido
Date of reading: 06/07/2021
Other activities/achievements:
Description of the activity: Jury member in the Masters Thesis Defense of Cristina Banda Sánchez.
Title:Modelado de tumores de páncreas mediante bioimpresión 3D.
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
End date: 05/07/2021
Description of the activity: Jury member in the Masters Thesis Defense of Saioa García Longarte.
Title: Gestión y desarrollo de una solución web de análisis de proteómica.
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
End date: 05/07/2021
3- Description of the activity: Jury member in the Masters Thesis Defense of Vicente Llorente Úbeda. Title: Imagen
tridimensional de vasculatura y poblaciones celulares SOX2+ en melanoma humano y modelo xenograft.
Organising entity: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
End date: 05/07/2021
4-Description of the activity: Previous external evaluator of the Doctoral Thesis of Ana Martín Pacheco.
Title: Multifunctional Hydrogels based on Carbon Nanomaterials.
Organising entity: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Type of entity: University
End date: 27/08/2019
5-“Premio al mejor artículo científico (1ª edición de los premios anuales a artículos publicados en el Boletín del GEC)” for the paper: Cristina Martín*. “Carbon-based nanomaterials for skin-related applications”. Boletín Grupo Español del Carbón nº 61. ISSN-e: 2172-6094.
Awarding entity: Grupo Español del Carbón (GEC)
Conferral date: 30/06/2022
6- Course on “Public speaking and professional presentation from a gender perspective”. March 2021, 10 hours.
1st course nanoCARE, course on Advanced Nanomedicine. May 2021. 9 hours.
Course on “Communicating science”. May 2021. 6 hours.
Course on “Protection of intellectual property and its transfer to the company”. June 2021, 6 hours.
Course on “Coaching aplicado a la Universidad”. June 2021. 8 hours.
Course on “Encuentro de Nanomedicina e Imagen Molecular”. November 2021. 8 hours.
Course on “Graphene for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. November 2021. 6 hours.
Secondment in Domotek from 16/05/2022 to 05/08/2022.
Cristina has had the opportunity to work on the 3D printing of fibrin-derived hydrogels containing graphene-based materials, jointly with researchers and employees from Domotek. In that environment, the fellow has acquired new skills related to the 3D printing technologies, from the software training to the scaffolds bioprinting. Different combinations of biopolymers have been studied in order to obtain “bioinks” consisting of GelMa, alginate, collagen, fibrinogen, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polycaprolactone and/or other agents with crucial roles in both the printability of the biomaterials and in the afterwards cell survival. In this regard, the different goals achieved could be summarized in:
-Knowledge on the manipulation of 3D models by using Cura software, as well as the 3D printer programming and use, have been gained by the secondee.
-Different scaffolds with tuneable compositions and structural properties, depending on the specific combinations and patterning of the biopolymer(s)/ graphene-derivative(s) mixtures, have been obtained.
-Electrospinning technique has been also used to generate nanofibers made of some of the above mentioned combinations.
The necessary research activities and other trainings to attain these goals have been developed under the guidance and supervision of the 3D bioprinting team of professionals at Domotek. The secondee has been integrated in the Domotek team of workers during all the secondment. In fact, Cristina was involved as well on the weekly meetings organized by the 3D bioprinting team of professionals. These meetings implied a professional relevance, especially considering the integration of Cristina in the working group, the brainstorming and the knowledge transfer process. Finally, she had also the opportunity to get involved in other professional networks (i.e. Tecnalia), acquiring knowledge related to 3D printing and also new skills and professional contacts attending different project meetings.
Moreover, thanks to Mr. Koldo Artola, the secondee knew about the “Curso de verán BIOIMPRESION 3D: TECNOLOXÍA EMERXENTE NA FRONTEIRA ENTRE A BIOMEDICINA EA ENXEÑARÍA (3ª EDICIÓN)”, which is one of the curses that the Fellow has recently followed.
Finally, in addition to the transference of knowledge and skills with industry and the broadening of the secondee´s professional networks, Domotek and UC3M have signed both an NDA and a MTA for the secondee to use the domoBIO bioprinter at the university until May 2023.