Chirstophe Chamley
- Cátedras de Excelencia
- Cátedras de Excelencia 2014
- Chirstophe Chamley
Christophe Chamley
Christophe Chamley
Boston University US
Christophe Chamley received his Masters in Mathematics from the university of Strasbourg and his PhD in economics from Harvard University. He is professor of economics in Boston University and directeur d'études at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He had visiting appointments at Harvard University, MIT, the Hoover Institution, the University of Lausanne, Universidad Carlos III, the university of Strasbourg, HEC in Paris. He is fellow of the Econometric Society and of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory. He has published as sole author in all the top professional journal in economics on public finance (optimal inter-temporal fiscal policy), theoretical macroeconomics (open-market operations, Say's law), social learning (the interaction between individual actions and learning from others' actions, coordination in regime switching), and the history of the states finances (18th century England, 16th century Spain).
The project is both in history and in economics. In history, the research will be in close collaboration with professor Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, and build on previous joint work, on the fiscal and financial policy under Philip II, that presents the first case of a large fiscal and financial state in pre-modern Europe. The research will focus on the financial and political interactions between the Crown, the Genoese bankers who were the financiers of the time, the private credit market in Castile and the political relations with the cities in the Cortes. Special attention will be devoted to the financial crises, their causes, the information that they reveal, and the relations with today's financial crises.
In economics, the research will be in two areas, first the coordination of expectations in aggregate supply and demand in decentralized markets, second, some current issues in the coordination of fiscal and monetary policy in Europe.
Stay period: JAN 15 - JUN 15