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Covadonga Meseguer


Covadonga Meseguer - London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Dr. Covadonga Meseguer has a PhD in Political Science (2002) and is a member of the Juan March Institute for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Madrid, Spain). Covadonga has held teaching and research positions at New York University, European University Institute (Florence), Kellogg Institute for International Studies (Notre Dame University), Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI), Nuffield College (Oxford), Central European University (Budapest), and the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (Mexico City).

In her first research project, Covadonga explored the international diffusion of market reforms. More recently, her research interests are in comparative and international political economy, political economy of international migration, and Latin American political economy. She is the author of articles that have appeared in the International Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Studies Quarterly, World Development, European Journal of Political Research, European Journal of Political Economy, The Annals of the American Academy of Social and Political Science, and others. In 2009, she published the book Learning, Policy Making, and Market Reforms (Cambridge University Press). More recently, she co-edited the Special Issue "International Migration and Home Country Politics" (with Dr. Katrina Burgess and Dr. Javier Aparicio), which was published in Studies in Comparative International Development.

Covadonga is currently an associate professor in the LSE’s International Relations Department. She teaches courses on International Political Economy and on Political Economy and International Migration.



Despite being a major facet of globalization, international migration has only recently been incorporated into the study of International Political Economy. Research on international migration has been conspicuously biased toward the study of the political and economic consequences of immigration. However, emigration is a much less researched issue. When it comes to researching emigration, the emphasis has been on the understanding of its economic consequences, with the debate being dominated by economists and concerns about the so-called “brain drain.” There is a major gap in the exploration of the politics of emigration. Also, whereas economists have extensively researched the economic consequences of workers’ remittances, hardly anything is known about the political consequences of these voluminous capital flows. With the debate on international immigration being more salient than ever before, what is missing is a much better understanding of the other side of the international migration phenomenon; namely, emigration. My research contributes to this understanding. I am currently working with colleagues at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico City, as well as with colleagues and researchers based in various universities in the U.K., Spain, Germany, and the U.S. At several stages, this project has received support from the MacArthur Foundation, The Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE, Mexico City), the British Academy, the LSE International Relations Department Research Infrastructure Investment Fund (RIIF), and the LSE Santander Travel Fund.

Imagen Cátedras de Excelencia 2014