Open Education Week 2023
- UC3M Digital
- Open Education Week 2023
MOOCs in cooperation with other institutions

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has a strong international commitment evidenced in some open education projects such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) developed in the recent years. Participating in international initiatives and projects provides the university with the opportunity to work with other institutions and to help develop contents that can be of interest to broader user communities.

Good Governance and Anti-Corruption is a MOOC funded by the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), currently available on its own platform. Created by a team of instructors and researchers under the coordination of José María Sauca, Associate Professor at the Department of International Public Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law. This course was first launched in 2020 and, since then, it has been recently updated with new content and a version translated to Russian.

Digital Transformation Strategy is a MOOC funded by the European Commission under an Erasmus+ project entitled Building Up Digital Strategists (BUDS). Its development has been coordinated by Tor Vergata University of Rome with the participation of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Eastern Finland University, Antwerp University and Nova University of Lisbon. Hosted by UC3M, the course is available from September 2022.

ProcToGo. Also under the coordination of Tor Vergata University, UC3M collaborates with Antwerp University, Nova University of Lisbon and Bremen University in the development of ProcToGo, another Erasmus+ project with European funding. A new MOOC will be available in early 2024.

edX. UC3M started offering MOOCs and professional certificate programs in 2015. This platform was fostered by Harvard University and the MIT. The number of students enrolled has reaced 1.300.000. There are courses on programming with Java, cyber-security, entrepreneurship, paleography and audiovisual post production, among others.

miríadaX. UC3M started offering MOOCs on this platform in 2013, currently fostered by Telefónica Educación Digital. UC3M courses are centered on a variety of topics, such as industrial property, the challenges of the knowledge society and mythology.