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Composition of the Senate


University Senate (art. 29)

The University Senate is the most senior body representing the university community and is responsible for supervising management of the university and defining the general principles for action in the various areas of university life.


Authority (art. 36)

  • Draw up and amend, as appropriate, university regulations.
  • Convene elections to the post of Chancellor President to be decided by a majority of two thirds of the governing council and on the initiative of at least one third of its members. In the event that the initiative is approved, the members will be convened within a maximum of two months according to the procedure established in these Statutes.
  • Choose the members of the Governing Council (minúsuculas o mayúsculas? Antes se ha escrito con minúsculas) who will represent the various sectors of the university community.
  • Approve changes to the Statutes and ensure their compliance.
  • Approve the electoral regulation of the drafting of these Statutes.
  • Approve in general terms, the activities of the University (minúsculas o mayúsculas?), in particular those of teaching, research and administration.
  • Receive information through an annual report to be presented by the Chancellor President, on the educational and research activity carried out, and an outline of the budget, long term syllabus and financial report.
  • Appoint six full professors as members of the Claims Committee referred to in article 66 section 2 of the Organic Law on Universities. The six full professors with the greatest number of votes will be elected to this office.
  • Make recommendations, proposals and institutional statements, in addition to discussing any reports submitted.
  • Compile sufficient information on how the university functions and summon representatives of any university department or service.
  • Any other faculty attributed by these Statutes and any other applicable regulations.

Composition (art. 30)
The University Senate comprises the President, who presides over the Senate, the General Secretary Counsel and the Head of Administration and Finance and 250 representatives from the various departments in the university community as follows:

Representation of teaching and research staff:

  • 55 representatives chosen by and from among full professors of the university’s tenured teaching staff.
  • 80 representatives chosen by and from among  and professors who form part of the university’s tenured teaching staff.
  • 20 chosen by and from among assistant,adjunct, emeritus and visiting professors.
  • 25 representatives chosen by and from among the doctoral and research assistants.

Student representation:

  • 45 representatives chosen by and from among diploma and degree students.
  • 5 representatives chosen by and from among doctorate students, teaching assistants and research fellows

 Administrative and service staff  representation:

  • 20 representatives chosen by and from among their members.