Departamento de Informática
Computer Science and Engineering Department is formed by a team of about 120 professionals in teaching and research activities. The department has 12 research groups that cover different lines of research in the field of computer science, leading and participating in national and international competitive projects with public funding, technology transfer projects and chairs with companies. The main lines of research are: Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Knowledge Reuse, Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing, Security and Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems.
IEEE EAIS 2024 International Conference
The IEEE Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems 2024 (IEEE EAIS 2024) Conference was held on 23 and 24 May 2024 at the Puerta de Toledo Campus.
Two master's degrees among the best according to El Mundo 2024 Ranking
The master's degrees offered by the Department of Computer Science "Master's Degree in Computer Science and Technology" and "Master's Degree in Computer Engineering" have been chosen second and third in their category according to the annual ranking of the newspaper El Mundo.
Artificial Intelligence Applications Conference
On April 19, 2024, the Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications was held in the Auditorium of the Puerta de Toledo campus.
Reina Letizia National Disability Award
Ana María Iglesias Maqueda received this award in the research and innovation category.
Iveres Project
II National Award for the best public project awarded by the General Council of Colegios de Ingeniería Informática.
Discapnet Awards VII edition
The Centro Español del Subtitulado y la Audiodescripción (CESyA) has been awarded the ONCE Discapnet award for Accessible Technologies.
- News Repository
- IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems 2024 (IEEE EAIS 2024)
Thursday, May 23, 09:00h, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Campus de Madrid - Puerta de Toledo
- using std::cpp 2024
Wednesday, April 24, 09:00h, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Campus de Leganés - Salón de grados, edificio Padre Soler
- Por qué la privacidad es poder
Tuesday, March 12, 13:00h, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Campus de Leganés, Avenida de la Universidad, Leganés, España
- Artificial Intelligence and Human Flourishing
Wednesday, March 6, 16:00h, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus, Ronda de Toledo, Madrid, España
- La transparencia algorítmica como solución y como problema.
Thursday, February 15, 16:15h. Aula: 17.2.75 Sala Pilar Azcárate, Edificio Ortega y Gasset (campus de Getafe)., Edificio Ortega y Gasset, Getafe
- "Both sides of the mirror, the self as other and the other as a self ”
Wednesday, February 14, 15:00h, Edificio Luis Vives, Getafe
Equipo directivo
Directora: María Isabel Sánchez Segura
Secretario Académico: José Antonio Iglesias Martínez
Subdirección económica: Francisco Javier García Blas
Subdirección de profesorado: Fuensanta Medina Dominguez
Subdirección docente:
Escuela Politécnica Superior, Avda. de la Universidad, 30. 28911 Leganés (Madrid) España