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Mentoring PDI at UC3M


Mentoring cabecera



Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is working on the design of training and professional development plans in order to foster the improvement of the faculty at any stage of their professional career. This year we start the second edition of the mentoring programme whose objective is to build a diverse network of professionals with a sincere interest in helping PhD students, or young PhDs, very focused on the field of academic research, to advance in their professional career.

One of the objectives of UC3M's HR Strategy is to design mentoring plans for the first years of the professional career.

In accordance with the provisions of Art.28 of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C), the figure of the Mentor is important within the framework of Human Resources policies

The UC3M PDI Mentoring Programme has been designed based on the REBECA by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FEYCT) and it builds on content created during the  implementation of the Project EURAXESS Top IV funded by the Research and Innovation framework Horizon 2020 of the European Union under grant  agreement 786133