FAQ on publications management within the call for additional rewards PDI-2022
- Library
- FAQ on publications management within the call for additional rewards PDI-2022
With this FAQ, the Library Service aims to answer the most frequent questions that are being received with regards to the publications management. Under no circumstances is it intended to answer other questions related to the evaluation process or regulations. To find answers to other questions, please contact Human Resources.
The regulations (only in Spanish) are available at:
What is requested in relation to the ORCID identifier?
The article 3.12. of the Regulations states that the references of the publications included in the application of this call must be published in the ORCID identifier of the researcher, which must be updated and clearly linked to Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
What is the ORCID® identifier?
ORCID® is a persistent digital author identifier.
Click here for more information.
How can I know what my ORCID is and how to link it to UC3M?
To find out what your ORCID is (as well as other author identifiers such as Author ID from Scopus and Researcher ID from Web of Science) you can read the following document:
How can I know my author identifiers?
You can also learn how to link your ORCID to Universidad Carlos III.
How can I update publications in my ORCID?
UXXI Portal - Research
What is requested in relation to the UXXI - Research Portal?
The article 3.11. of the Regulations states that the applicants must have added in the institutional system (UXXI-RESEARCH) the records of all publications submitted prior to the date of the call. Moreover at least 50% of the journal articles submitted must also be in open access, preferably in e-Archivo.
How are publications updated in the institutional system (UXXI Portal - Research)?
Where are my publications in Universitas XXI-Research?
Faculty and researchers can upload their publications at any time.
The Library Service reviews and validates them afterwards.
From what period do the publications have to be from?
The Regulations state in the Sixth Transitional Provision that the applications for the first call may include publications from five different years starting in 2014.
In this calculation of five years, the measures approved by the Governing Council in session of July 12, 2007, for effective equality between women and men at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid will be taken into account.
Open Access and e-Archiving
What is requested in relation to the open access availability of publications?
The article 3.11. of the Regulations states that the applicants must have added in the institutional system (UXXI-RESEARCH) the records of all publications submitted prior to the date of the call. Moreover at least 50% of the journal articles submitted must also be in open access, preferably in e-Archivo.
The Third Transitional Provision states that the number of open access incorporations of journal articles will be one if two or more articles have been submitted in the application.
What is e-Archivo?
e-Archivo is the institutional repository of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and its objectives are to gather, archive and preserve the intellectual production resulting from the academic and research activity of our university community, in digital format, and to offer open access to this production. The collection includes doctoral theses, journals published by UC3M, articles, books and chapters, working papers, preprints, conference proceedings, etc.
e-Archivo is managed by the Library Service.
What is Open Access?
Open Access postulates a permanent, free and free of technical and legal restrictions access to academic and scientific content with the aim of promoting accessibility, visibility, reuse and impact of scientific research.
Declaration of the Madroño Consortium in support of Open Science to scholarly and scientific information (December 2017)
Within the Open Access pathways are:
- Green pathway: or self-archiving pathway, which consists of depositing the document in an open access repository.
- Golden way: it consists of publishing in totally open access journals, immediately and perpetually in time, under a license in which the author maintains his or her copyright. There are publishers that request the payment of APC (Article Processing Charges). When there is no APC payment, it is called the diamond route.
- Hybrid route: it consists of publishing in subscription journals that offer authors the possibility of publishing in open access immediately with Creative Commons license through the payment of an APC (Article Processing Charges).
According to the Regulations, on this occasion it is necessary that at least 1 journal article is in open access regardless of the chosen route.
An article is therefore considered open access if it is deposited in e-Archivo, in any other institutional repository, in a thematic repository (e.g. arXiv.org) and/or published in a Creative Commons licensed journal.
What type of documents and how many do I have to have in open access to be valued according to the additional remuneration regulations?
Journal articles.
According to the regulations, at least 50% of the articles submitted must be in open access. The Third Transitional Provision states that it will be 1 article if two or more articles have been submitted in the application.
How can I request the deposit of an article in e-Archivo?
If your publication has not been previously deposited in e-Archivo, you can request deposit as indicated in the Self-Archiving Guide.
Priority will be given to depositing 1 article per person, and the order of deposit request will be handled.
Is the deposit in e-Archivo immediate?
No, the deposit of your publications in e-Archivo is not immediate. The e-Archivo team must ensure that the copyright of each document is respected.
Your request will be queued on a first-come, first-served basis.
The day after you request to deposit a document in e-Archivo through the Self-Archive, you will receive an e-mail sent by Portal UXXI - Research as acknowledgement of receipt.
When the entire deposit process is completed, the persistent identifier (Handle system) of e-Archivo (http://hdl.handle.net/10016/xxxx) will appear in Portal UXXI - Research (the following day) and in Research Portal (monthly update).
The Library Service may write to you by e-mail if any additional information should be requested.
How does copyright affect the deposit of my publication in e-Archivo?
The copyright of the published article may belong to the author of the article or it may have been assigned exclusively to the publisher for the publication of the journal.
If they have been assigned exclusively, the author is entitled to the moral rights, which are inalienable and are never lost, for example, the right to be recognized as the author of the article. However, due to the exclusive assignment, the exploitation rights, such as those of reproduction and public communication, necessary for the deposit and opening of the article in the e-Archivo, correspond to the publisher, in which case the rights must be managed.
When do I have to manage the copyright?
In the case of an exclusive transfer of rights, it is necessary to manage the copyright to obtain the authorization of the publisher in order to deposit and open the article in the e-Archivo.
This authorization can come in different ways:
- The article is published in a journal under a Creative Commons license, which in itself represents authorization; no further management is required.
- The publisher has a copyright policy for its journals that allows the publication of some of the versions of the document in institutional repositories. This is a general authorization; no further action is required.
- If the two previous cases are not applicable, then a specific authorization of rights must be managed directly with the publisher.
What steps are followed to manage copyright?
First, you must check if there has been a transfer of rights to the publisher and its terms. If there has been no transfer and the author keeps all his or her rights, there is nothing to manage. The author can self-archive his article directly.
If there has been a transfer, it is necessary to check whether it is exclusive or non-exclusive. A non-exclusive assignment or a mere authorization to publish in favor of the publisher does not transfer the rights. The author keeps his rights and may self-archive his article directly.
Only when there has been an exclusive transfer of rights in favor of the publisher of the journal, rights must be managed with the publisher.
If the article or journal has a Creative Commons license, you only have to check that its conditions are compatible with e-Archivo. Since e-Archivo is an institutional repository, the deposit and opening of the article will not imply either "commercial purpose" or "derivative work", so that practically any type of CC license will be compatible with e-Archivo.
If a Creative Commons license does not appear in the document, the following steps should be taken:
- Consult the copyright policies of international publishers and scientific publications, on the SHERPA / RoMEO project site.
- Or the Dulcinea database to know the editorial policies of a large number of Spanish journals.
If we did not get an answer:
- consult the information available on the journal/publisher's website.
If we have not received a response:
- contact via e-mail with those responsible for the journal/publisher.
The answer can be affirmative (check conditions: version of the document, embargo period, licenses of use, etc.) or negative.
Which versions can I deposit?
Versions of scientific articles and open access.
Within the life cycle of scientific papers there are several versions. It is advisable to keep these versions.
It is always necessary to manage the copyright to know which version of the document can be deposited in e-Archivo.
- If exclusive exploitation rights have been granted, the major international scientific publishers usually allow the deposit of the version:
Postprint = authors' final version that includes the changes proposed by the reviewers (Accepted Manuscript or Author's final version) without the final layout of the publication.
- If no exclusive exploitation rights have been assigned or APC (Article Processing Charge) has been paid, the version can usually be deposited:
Editorial = final version published in the journal (Published version).
To know the conditions of open deposit of journals and publishers, you can consult the databases:
Sherpa Romeo (international scope)
Dulcinea (Spanish journals)
Can I request the deposit of other documents in e-Archivo?
Yes, you can request the deposit of other articles, conference papers, monographs, monograph chapters, etc., in e-Archivo.
To do so, please consult the Self-Archiving Guide.
Please note that these requests will be queued because priority will be given to articles requested for the current bonus campaign.
For any comments, please write to us at: e-archivo@listserv.uc3m.es