Employment Forum
- Masters
- Graduate School of Law
- Master in Business Legal Advice
- Employment Forum

Employment Forum
The Master's Degree in Business Legal Advice (MAJE) holds an Employment Forum every year. Law firms and companies present their offers for extracurricular internships to students, within the framework of an open dialogue with students, who express their concerns and preferences.
The Employment Forum is a very important first contact between students and the labour market and a relevant channel of opportunities.
The following entities have attended previous editions of Foro Empleo:
- Telefónica
- Santa Lucía Seguros
- Leroy Merlín
- Naturgy
- Fujitsu
- Mediaset España
- Sephora
- Signify
- Merlin Properties
- Renault
- Citröen
- Ferroglobe
- Metro de Madrid
- Ecija Abogados
- Bird & Bird
- Ontier
- Clifford Chance
- Deloitte
- Roca Yunyent Abogados
The Master in Business Legal Advice of the Universidad Carlos III and the Diploma de Experto en Derecho Corporativo y Control de Riesgos Legales de la Empresa organize a conference for students on modalities of legal practice.
Last Tuesday, December 13, the director of the Master's Degree in Corporate Legal Counsel at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, César Giner Parreño organized, together with the students of the postgraduate program, represented by Mario José Quero Belmonte, the conference: Formas de ejercer la abogacía. Perfiles más demandados y habilidades en alza.
The conference was attended by Teresa Zueco, managing partner of Squire Patton Boggs; Ainhoa Veiga, partner of Araoz & Rueda; Silvia Madrid, general manager of the legal department of UniCredit, and member of the Compliance Committee of Women in a Legal World and Andrés Ruiz, founder of the portal Todojuristas.com, as moderator of the round table.
The speakers explained in great detail their professional beginnings in the legal profession, narrating their personal experiences, which were very useful for the students.
Likewise, the round table explained the different ways of practicing law, the characteristics of each type of firm and the different models of practicing law. In particular, Teresa Zueco explained the experience of working in a large American firm based in Spain, Ainhoa Veiga, the role of a partner in a boutique or medium-sized independent law firm, and corporate lawyer Silvia Madrid, what it is like to be legal counsel in a major banking institution.
At the conference, the speakers generously offered a multitude of advice to the younger members of the firm, particularly on how to be part of and shine within an organization, what attitudes are positively valued and what are the main handicaps or mistakes they detect in lawyers in their first years.