Graduate School of Law
- Direction
- Prof. Dr. D. Víctor Moreno Catena, Prof. Dr. D. César Giner Parreño
- Coordination
- Óscar Celador Angón, Raquel López Jiménez
- Language
- Spanish
- Attendance
- On-campus
- Credits
- 60 ECTS
- Campus
- Madrid - Puerta de Toledo
- Applications
☛ Places available: 40
- Departments
- Alonso Martínez Institute for Justice and Litigation
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- Inicio
The Official Master’s in Business Legal Advice (MAJE) from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is the best tool for students from anywhere in the world seeking advanced and intensive education and training in law applied to companies in Spain and the European Union and to their international business interactions.
The MAJE prepares students to face the global challenges of companies, and to occupy a leading position in the resolution of their legal problems. The specialized training aims to ensure that graduates acquire the best skills and abilities to exercise their professional work in this special field in which important legal professionals develop their careers.
It is a program designed for law graduates who want to obtain knowledge that is not usually part of the curriculum of a law graduate, such as negotiation techniques, legal business English, strategic management or basic aspects of accounting, which will help them to solve business problems with the help of the best professors in each of the areas.
Students who apply for the MAJE can at the same time take the Diploma de Experto en Derecho Corporativo y Control de Riesgos Legales de la Empresa (Compliance). This is a leading program that prepares students for the analysis and prevention (Compliance) of the risks of listed companies, antitrust and data protection risks, and criminal risks, while at the same time teaching them to manage the relations between companies and public administrations. [+] information
MAJE students who take the Expert Diploma obtain a reduction in the fees of the latter, and receive a Double Degree. Students must submit an application for the MAJE and the Expert Diploma.
☛ The Mayor of Madrid inaugurates the MAJE academic year 2024/25
- ☛ 3rd best master in Spain in International Business Law according to the Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2019
- ☛ Practically 100% employability after completing the Master
- ☛ Excelent position in the best masters ranking of the world by Eduniversal
- ☛ 1st title among the offered by the public universities in the ranking of the best Spain masters by El Mundo
The Master program builds on 4 subjects with different features, contents and duration.
Firstly, a compulsory general part focused mainly on Company Law, Contractual Law, Legal and Business English and Economic and Financial Management in Businesses.
Once completed this first general module, the students acquire specific technical knowledge related to the main areas of the business legal advice, such as Uniform International Commercial Law, Labour Law, Tax Law and practice of law related to financial Markets and free competition.
The relevance of these subjects in the business legal advice profession is shown by the total number of credits and the fact that they all are compulsory.
In addition to these modules, there is a wide range of elective courses on offer that allow students to deepen their knowledge of specific aspects of business legal advice. Students must choose 12 ECTS from among the subjects offered.
Starting in June, students, on a voluntary basis, will have the opportunity to join national and international Companies, Professional Associations and Law Firms, of recognized prestige, for internships that will last a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year, depending on the needs of the receiving Entities and the students themselves. To this end, they must enroll in a course called “Extracurricular Internships”. This is an internship program that allows the orientation of students in their first steps in the labor market and has turned the Master's Degree into a unique, attractive and different option to those present in other Centers.
The curriculum is concluded with the preparation of a 6-credit master project focused on a specific subject.
Year 1 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Company law 6 C Contract Law 9 C Legal and business english 9 C Economic and financial management company 6 C Markets, regulation and free competition 3 C Year 1 - Semester 2
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Tax Law 3 C Standard international trade law 3 C Labor law company 3 C ELECTIVES (choose 12 ECTS) * Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Arbitration and negotiation techniques 3 E Corporate restructuring and bankruptcy law 3 E Unfair competition and Intellectual Property 3 E Business finance law 3 E Disruptive Technologies in Business models and commercial transactions 3 E Business Legal Advice in Strategic Sectors 3 E M&A Transactions: Mergers and Acquisitions 3 E Forensic Internships ** 6 E TFM Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Master's Thesis 6 C vacio ✎│ For a subject to be taught it must have at least 5 students enrolled.
* You must complete a total of 12 elective ECTS.
** Forensic Internships: the teaching of this course is subject to the validity of the Agreement with the General Council of the Judiciary, the Community of Madrid and the Carlos III University of Madrid, for external practices in courts and tribunals.
C= Compulsory: 42 ECTS
E= Elective Course: 12 ECTS
Master's Thesis: 6 ECTS
course Programs
☛ First year offered: 2015
The Academic Committee of the Master’s programme complies with the SGIC-UC3M and it is responsible for the follow-up, analysis, review, assessment and quality of the program, it contributes with proposals to improve the program and produces the “Memoria Académica de Titulación” (Programme Report).
Graduate Profile and Competences
Department of Private Law
Visiting Professor
Brief CV
Department of Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law
Visiting Professor
Brief CV
Department of International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law
Full Professor
Brief CV
Departament of Private Law
Associate Professor
Brief CV
Departament of Private Law
Associate Professor
Brief CV
Departament of Private Law
Associate Professor
Brief CV
Department of Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law
Associate Professor
Brief CV
Departament of Private Law
Associate Professor
Brief CV
Departament of Private Law
Associate Professor
Brief CV
Department of Business Administration
Full Professor
Brief CV
The request must be submitted electronically through our application system. Before beginning the admission process, please read the following information:
- Graduates in Law from Spanish Universities.
- Graduates in Law from foreign universities with qualifications which allow them to access to master studies according to the Spanish or EU’s law.
Admission criteria
CRITERIA % Student record of previous studies 50% Other languages knowledge* 15% Professional experience 15% Marks obtained in subjects which are essential to study this Master’s Degree 10% Motivation, interest and references 10% * B1 English language qualification according to the European Reference Framework (Preliminary English Test, PET; TOEFL 45-60/133-170/450-497; IELTS 3.5/4.0/4.5; Trinity Grades 5, 6)
Language requirements
Check the general language requirements required to study a Master’s at UC3M, depending on whether it is in Spanish, English or bilingual.
students with foreign university degrees
Once admitted to the Master’s program, students holding a university degree from a higher education institution outside the EHEA must provide the diploma, legalized through diplomatic procedures or by The Hague Apostille, for enrollment. They must also submit their transcript of records, including the grade point average, duly legalized.
More information about Legalization of Foreign Documents.
If needed, documents must be accompanied by an official sworn translation into Spanish.
Reservation fee: €800
- it will be paid once the student receives notification of admission to the master’s, and deducted from the first tuition payment
- the reservation fee will only be refunded if the master program is cancelled
EU STUDENTS (€130/ECTS) First academic year - 60 ECTS €7,800 NON EU STUDENTS (€195/ECTS) First academic year - 60 ECTS €11,700 NOTE: the indicated public prices do not include in any case, neither the ECTS corresponding to the Formative Complements that the student must take (only master's degrees with previous Formative Complements), nor the cost of issuing the master’s degree certificate.
* Current fees for the 24/25 academic year, pending approval by the Community of Madrid for the 25/26 academic year.
Additional information
- You may enrol on the master’s degree after completing the admission process and receiving formal confirmation of your acceptance.
- When performing the enrolment you can choose between Full-time enrolment or Part-time enrolment.
- The email address provided upon enrolment will be used for formal communications; students are therefore kindly requested to check their mail regularly.
- Pursuant to the regulations of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a student failing to pay any part of the fees will not be admitted and the enrolment process will be terminated. In cases of cancellation of enrolment due to non-payment, the University may demand the payment of the pending amounts for enrolment in previous academic courses as a prior condition of enrolment.
No diploma or certificate will be issued if a student has any outstanding payments.
General information on scholarships
For more information on specific scholarships of interest, awarded by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as well as other agencies or organizations, please refer here:
Course 0
Course 0 Introduction to Spanish and European Union Law aims to provide foreign students of the different Official Masters of the Graduate School of Law with the necessary basis to face in the best conditions their specialized postgraduate studies at UC3M so that they can achieve an optimal use of them.
The target audience of this Course will be those students who have obtained their academic degree in Law outside Spain, either in other European Union States or in third countries or in a discipline other than Law, either in Spain or abroad. These students must attend Course 0, unless they can prove that they have at least 3 years of prolonged professional legal experience in Spain. In any case, they must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the basic institutions of Spanish and European Law through the evaluation test scheduled in Course 0. Once the exam has been passed, a certificate of attendance and completion of the course will be issued.
- From September 8 to 16, 2025
- From 10:00 to 13:30 | Madrid - Puerta de Toledo Campus
- Ordinary evaluation. September 22, 2025 from 10:30 to 12:00
- Extraordinary evaluation. October 6, 2025 from 10:30 to 12:00
The dates/times established are provisional. They will be subject to appropriate changes indicated by the Course 0 Coordination.
maje + dedc combined diplomas
The combined program Master in Business Legal Advice with 60 ECTS credits and Diploma de Experto en Derecho Corporativo y Control de Riesgos Legales de la Empresa (Compliance) with 30 ECTS credits offers the Master's students the possibility to specialize and to deepen in the most modern knowledge in the direction and legal management of capital companies, Competition Law, free and unfair, Compliance in all its areas, and the relations of companies with the PPAA. [+] information
☛ Acto del Club Alumni:
“Fondos Next Generation y las CCAA”Intervienen:
- Emiliano García Page, Presidente de Castilla La Mancha
- Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, Presidente de Castilla y León
- Luis Garicano Gabilondo, Diputado en Parlamento Europeo
🎥 │ Vídeo
Las ciudades inteligentes y los retos de la energía
Students from the MAJE organize the conference Las ciudades inteligentes y los retos de la energía, an event to promote impact projects in terms of sustainability of smart cities, and invite the Mayors of Madrid, Seville, Vigo, Bilbao and Santander to debate
🎥 │ Las ciudades inteligentes y los retos de la energía | Fundación Repsol
MAJE UPDATING is a program to update knowledge in order to deepen knowledge of the law applicable to companies and to address the latest issues.
MAJE's Direction gives a talk about entrepreneurship to the "Chicas Imparables" of the 5050 GL Association.
The girls of the 5050 GL Association, led by journalist Gloria Lomana, shared a talk with the MAJE Director, César Giner, about entrepreneurial techniques.
🎥 │ Video
If you wish to take the Master's Degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy, or the Double Degree of the Master's Degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy with the Diploma of Expert in Corporate Law and Legal Risk Control of the Company, you can contact the following Alumni for more information about their personal experiences:
If you are from Spain and would like to participate in one of the programs, please contact us:
- Juan Gómez Blancar
- e-mail:
- Phone number: 651 928 722
If you are from Argentina and would like to participate in one of the programs, please contact us:
- Santiago Marina
- e-mail:
- Phone number: +54 11 2166-1220
If you are from Costa Rica and would like to participate in one of the programs, please contact us:
- Warren Corrales
- e-mail:
- Phone number: +506 8835 5848
If you are from Colombia and would like to participate in one of the programs, please contact us:
- Sergio Guerrero Delgado
- e-mail:
- Phone number: +573202344565
If you are from Peru and would like to participate in one of the programs, please contact us:
- Carlos Augusto Meléndez
- e-mail:
- Phone number: +34 624143307