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Máster de Formación Permanente en Dirección de Empresas de Moda y Belleza UC3M-VOGUE

  • Masters
  • Programs
  • Máster de Formación Permanente en Dirección de Empresas de Moda y Belleza UC3M-VOGUE

School of Continuing Education

Imagen fichas Másteres Propios
Ester Martínez Ros (UC3M), Ana García-Siñeriz Alonso (Condé Nast College Spain)
Deputy Direction
Beatriz Pérez Martínez (Condé Nast College Spain)
Madrid - Puerta de Toledo


The Institute for the Development of Enterprises and Markets (INDEM)

* Required fields

  • Inicio

    The present Master's Degree is structured in different modules that try to analyse the operation of the management of a company in the fashion and beauty industry. It also includes the development and defence of TFM and internships in top-level companies. It will be taught with the participation of university lecturers who are specialists in each of the subjects covered, as well as experts and professionals linked to the field of business management in this sector.

    This Master's Degree aims to offer specialised and rigorous training, effectively combining the theoretical dimensions with a specific and high-value practical orientation in the fashion and beauty sector, bearing in mind the achievement of sustainable development objectives. The joint participation of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Condé Nast College Spain in this course is precisely the optimal way to achieve this purpose.

    Máster propio UC3M-VOGUE en Dirección de Empresas de Moda y Belleza

    Module I: Fundamentals of the fashion and beauty industry and responsible business. 6 credits
    Coord.: Debbie Smith.

    This module lays the foundations of the fashion and beauty industry and its specific characteristics. Fashion encompasses products where creativity, technology and excellence contribute to create a product that the consumer appreciates as valuable and environmentally sustainable. You will learn the fundamentals of brand value creation applied to the fashion and beauty market, as well as the main methods of perceptual analysis of brand image, and the elements that make up the DNA of a brand in this sector. The figures of the sector on a national and global level will be analysed.

    Module II: Sustainable product and design management in the fashion and beauty industry. 6 credits
    Coordinated by: Patricia Sancho.

    Corporate branding, exclusivity, packaging, exclusive experiences, brand image... in the beauty and fashion industry are inseparable from the product itself.

    The student will learn to manage the design of the product, from the idea to the marketing campaign, through three lines: intangibles, product and service until reaching consumers.

    Module III: Sustainable business opportunities and strategic diagnosis in the fashion and beauty sector. 6 credits
    Coordinated by: Maria José Sanchez Bueno

    Through this module the student will learn to identify the best business opportunities in the field of fashion and beauty being responsible with the environment and society. In addition, the student will be able to carry out a strategic diagnosis that will allow them to know with accuracy and precision both the industry in which it operates and its main resources and capabilities to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the world of beauty. All of this will allow you to make the most suitable and ethical strategic decisions to ensure the growth and survival of a company.

    Module IV: Digital Marketing and Communication. 6 credits
    Coordinated by: Patricia Sancho.

    Through this module the student will learn to manage the marketing area of a company in the fashion and beauty sector. They will be able to successfully manage the marketing activity by analysing key issues such as the commercial objectives to be achieved by the company and its positioning in the market, the sales forecast and the consequent budget allocated to this activity, and the marketing mix policies (product, price, distribution and communication). In addition, the student will be able to plan and manage the use of the Internet as an information, communication and business channel (e-commerce).

    Module V: Distribution, e-commerce and point of sale in the world of fashion and beauty. 6 credits
    Coord.: María José Montes Sancho. UC3M

    Analysis of trends, metrics, selective distribution, sales systems, main retail brands and their values, the role of consultancies. In this module the student will learn about the main distribution channels and their characteristics and advantages, as well as the keys to retail in this sector, a pioneer and model for all others. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of e-commerce in logistics and distribution.

    Module VI: Talent management, diversity, leadership and organisation in the world of fashion and beauty. 6 credits
    Coord.: Ester Martínez Ros. UC3M

    With this module the student will be able to carry out an ethical and appropriate management of the diversity of the human resources that make up their company within the fashion and beauty market. Thus, they will have to answer questions such as the selection of their employees and the motivation of their staff, job descriptions, performance evaluation and the figure of the leader, among others.

    Module VII: Financial management and value creation in fashion and beauty companies. 6 credits
    Coord.: Mikel Tapia. UC3M

    Through this module, students will be able to carry out the economic-financial analysis of their company in the fashion and beauty sector to determine its viability. To do so, students will learn to stipulate aspects such as the amount of the initial investment required, the sources of financing, and the application of the available funds. In addition, you will learn how to draw up financial statements based on objective and justified estimates, ratio analyses and a contingency plan reflecting various scenarios.

    Module VIII: TFM. 6 credits
    Coord.: Ester Martínez-Ros. UC3M

    Through a complete and rigorous analysis, the student will learn how to manage a company within the fashion and beauty universe. Thus, they will be able to organise their thinking in an orderly and precise manner and gain in-depth knowledge about the management of a company.

    Module IX: Internship/Mentoring. 12 credits
    Coord.: Susana Ibañez. Head of careers CNC

    A minimum of 3 months of internship in the main companies of the sector such as Perfumes and Design, L'Oreal, Hermès, Chanel, LVMH, BPI-Shiseido, or Jaeger-Lecoultre. A variety to the internship is the development of an activity in prestigious firms through Mentoring.


    UC3M Faculty

    • Ester Martínez Ros
      Departamento de Economía de la Empresa
      Profesora Titular
    • María José Sánchez Bueno
      Departamento de Economía de la Empresa
      Profesora Titular
    • Celia Zárraga Oberty
      Departamento de Economía de la Empresa
      Profesora Titular
    • María José Fuertes
      Departamento de Economía de la Empresa
      Profesora Titular
    • María José Montes Sancho
      Departamento de Economía de la Empresa
      Profesora Titular
    • Mikel Tapia
      Departamento de Economía de la Empresa

    External Faculty

    • Johannes Reponen
      Profesor de Condé Nast College London
    • Harriet Posner
      Profesor de Condé Nast College London
    • Lisa Mann
      Profesor de Condé Nast College London
    • Timothy Rennie
      Profesor de Condé Nast College London
    • Óscar Mateo
      Director de estudios de formación y conocimiento
    • Susana Ibáñez
      Subdirectora del departamento de Marketing
      Condé Nast
    • Eugenia de la Torriente
      VOGUE España
    • Pedro Mansilla
      Sociólogo especializado en análisis de moda
    • Álvaro Pérez
      Director y gestor de diseño
      El Paso
    • Rafael García
      Osborne Clark
    • Nic Olivé
      Socio fundador
      Please Point
    • Alma Vázquez
      Client Service Director
      Havas Media
    • Pedro Álvarez
      Socio fundador
    • Ana Pico
      Luxhub. Havas Media
    • Garazi Ibarrolaza
      Coordinadora de publicidad
    • Miguel Gallastegui
      Director Marketing
      Elizabeth Arden
    • Begoña González Arbeo
      Directora de compras
      El Corte Inglés
    • Carmen Saenz de Varona
      Directora Best for less
      Anima Partners
    • Anna Franquesa
      Consultora Lujo
      Paris Vision
    • José María Pérez Diestro
      Ex Director General de Beauté
      Prestige International
    • Jaime Scott
    • Inmaculada Manresa
      Directora Comunicación

      Places offered: : 40

      The programme can be offered as long as there is a minimum number of students to guarantee its viability.


      Qualifications required

      To be admitted to the Master's Degree it is essential to

      • A Bachelor's degree, Bachelor's degree, Architect, Engineer or equivalent.
      • English proficiency.


      Student profile

      This Master's Degree is aimed at all those graduates from different academic qualifications (both from the social and legal sciences and other fields) who wish to receive specialised training to manage and direct a fashion and beauty company, focusing their professional career in this field.

      Although the possession of previous knowledge/experience/training in the field of business administration and management, economics and similar fields may contribute positively to achieve an optimal use of this Master's Degree, it is not considered an essential admission requirement. This degree aims to satisfy a latent and highly demanded training need within the national and international panorama.


      Selection and assessment criteria

      Academic record and personal interview.



      Admission process

      Those interested in enrolling must submit the following documentation by 30 September:

      • Application form
      • Photocopy of the Higher Degree.
      • Academic transcript, (set of subjects and grades obtained during the degree).
      • Curriculum vitae
      • Personal letter about your motivation to do the Master's Degree (maximum 30 lines).
      • Photocopy of your ID card, passport or identity card.
      • Letters of recommendation (optional)
      • If you have not completed your studies: Statement of having finished the previous studies.


      Information and registration

      If you need more information, please contact us directly:

      Teléfono: +34 91 700 41 70
      e mail :

      Condé Nast College Spain
      Paseo de la Castellana, 9-11.
      Planta Baja
      Madrid 28046

      How to get :

      Subway: Colón
      Train: Recoletos.

      More information on the program:


      The registration fee for the Master's Degree is €17,950.


      Place reservation: €1,000* by bank transfer, once all the registration documents have been sent and after receiving an email informing of admission.

      *A refund of the reservation fee may only be requested in the event of the impossibility of attendance due to serious illness or any other reason of comparable seriousness, as well as in the event of force majeure.

      An individual account number and code will also be sent to each student, which must be included in the transfer.

      The reservation fee will be deducted from the total price of the course.

      The course must be paid in full before the course start date.


      More information at:



    The fashion and beauty industry represent two of the essential links to boost the development of an economy (job creation) and contribute to implement the pillars to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, there is a need for professionals with a first class education who can manage and lead companies in these industries.


    Duration and schedule

    The course will start on mid October and end in July.

    Classes will be held from Monday to Friday from 17.30 to 19.30 hours.

    Place of delivery

    Classes will be held at the Condé Nast headquarters and at the Madrid Puerta de Toledo Campus.

    Condé Nast College Spain
    Paseo de la Castellana, 9-11
    Planta Baja
    28046 - Madrid



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