Master in Science of Religions: History and Society (INTERUNIVERSITY)
Graduate School of Humanities and Communication
- Direction
- Prof. Valentino Gasparini
- Language
- Spanish
- Attendance
- Online
- Credits
- 60
- Campus
- Getafe
- Applications
☛ Places available: 20
- Departments
- Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department, International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department, "Julio Caro Baroja" University Institute of Historiography
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- Inicio
As explained below, the new Master's Degree in Science of Religions: History and Society is born from the conviction that it is necessary to strengthen with an inter-university alliance the regulated offer of academic studies on religions in the Spanish Public University, thus bringing us closer to the already centenary and brilliant tradition of studies on religions in other countries.
The general objective of this Master's Degree is to provide a high degree of training in Religious Studies to future researchers and professionals from different fields (teachers, politicians, administration technicians, diplomats, journalists, cultural managers, social workers, aid workers, etc.).
The Master will offer training on religion as a cultural system and a theoretical and methodological apparatus for the analysis and understanding of the religious phenomenon. Particular attention will be paid to the formation of a specific sensitivity for the analysis of the testimonies of each religion. This reflection will be linked to the historical development of the religious phenomenon, so that special attention is given to religions in diachrony, the basis for the perception of their own transformations in conceptual, moral and liturgical terms, as opposed to the idea of the immovability of religious constructions.
The Master also aims to provide the necessary training for the management of diversity in multi-religious societies from the different spheres of state administration (local, autonomous and state), and from the elaboration of public policies, especially with regard to legislation and educational foundations.
It is, therefore, two complementary and parallel itineraries, the first dedicated to the historical analysis of the religious phenomenon and the second to provide adequate tools for those who face the tasks of regulating or facilitating the coexistence of communities in a multi-religious society.
This master's degree is offered entirely online, through a virtual platform provided by the Pablo Olavide University of Seville (UPO), coordinator of the master's degree. Students enrolled at UC3M are registered on the virtual platform by the UPO to follow the online classes. Classes are recorded at the time of their teaching, so there is also the possibility of seeing the classes online later if they could not be followed live. In addition, the exams, papers, and defenses of the final master's papers are carried out through the aforementioned platform on the dates established by the UPO.
On the other hand, should there be sufficient demand to attend the UC3M in person, to follow the classes, there is the possibility of setting up a classroom on our Getafe Campus from where the classes would be followed.
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El Máster Interuniversitario en Ciencias de las Religiones: Historia y Sociedad tiene como objetivo ofrecer un alto grado de formación y competencias de análisis sobre la religión como sistema cultural, sobre su génesis y desarrollo a lo largo de la Historia, y sobre el lugar de la religión y de las distintas religiones en la sociedad actual.
Para ello, la estructura del plan de estudios consta de una primera parte común y obligatoria compuesta por 4 asignaturas (23 ECTS), una segunda parte o itinerario, en la que los alumnos podrán optar por uno de los dos itinerarios propuestos (25 ECTS), y una tercera parte dedicada al Trabajo de Fin de Máster (12 ECTS).
Los alumnos podrán optar por uno de los dos itinerarios (de carácter optativo) propuestos:
- Itinerario 1: Historia de las Religiones. Está compuesto por una primera parte común y obligatoria para los estudiantes que deseen obtener el reconocimiento de haber cursado este itinerario, integrada por cuatro asignaturas.
Asimismo, el Itinerario 1 incluye cinco asignaturas optativas, de las que el estudiante habrá de cursar un mínimo de tres para completar el Itinerario.
- Itinerario 2: Gestión de la diversidad religiosa y cultural. Está compuesto por una primera parte común y obligatoria para los estudiantes que deseen obtener el reconocimiento de haber cursado este itinerario, integrada por cuatro asignaturas.
Asimismo, el Itinerario 2 incluye cinco asignaturas optativas, de las que el estudiante habrá de cursar un mínimo de tres para completar el itinerario.
Year 1 - Semester 1
General subjects Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Theories and methods for the study of religions 5 C Key readings for the Sciences of Religion 3 C Introduction to the history of religions 10 C Power, societies and religions 5 C Year 1 - Semester 2
Common obligatory partSubjects ECTS TYPE Language History of Polytheism in Graeco-Roman Mediterranean 3 E History of Judaism 3 E History of Christianity 5 E History of Islam 5 E ITINERARY I: HISTORY OF RELIGIONS
Choose 3 electivesSubjects ECTS TYPE Language Jewish Bible and Christian Bible 3 E Oriental religions 3 E African religions 3 E American religious world and the new religions 3 E Monotheisms in the XXIst century 3 E ITINERARY II: MANAGEMENT OF RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY
Common obligatory partSubjects ECTS TYPE Language Management of diversity: systems, methods and techniques 4 E Management of religious diversity in Spain: patterns and guiding lines 4 E Administrations, public policies and management of diversity 4 E Intercultural conflicts and conflicto resolution 4 E ITINERARY II: MANAGEMENT OF RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY
Choose 3 electivesSubjects ECTS TYPE Language Religious diversity and local-regional spheres 3 E Religious diversity and education 3 E Religious diversity and health sector 3 E Religious diversity, gender and human rights 3 E Religious diversity and management of cultural-religious heritage 3 E MASTER'S THESIS Subjects ECTS TYPE Language Master's Thesis 12 TFM vacio C= Compulsory: 23 ECTS
E= Elective Course: 25 ECTS
Master's Thesis: 12 ECTS
course Programs
- Itinerario 1: Historia de las Religiones. Está compuesto por una primera parte común y obligatoria para los estudiantes que deseen obtener el reconocimiento de haber cursado este itinerario, integrada por cuatro asignaturas.
First year offered: 2017
☛ Master's Degree indicators (UC3M)
☛ Master's Degree indicators (UPO)
☛ Master's Degree indicators (ULL)
☛ Labour insertion indicators (UC3M)
The Master has an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), which integrates different mechanisms, procedures and quality assurance tools, relating both to the collection and analysis of information on different aspects of the Title, as well as how this information will be used for monitoring, review, continuous improvement and accreditation.
The Master's Academic Committee is composed of the following members:
Graduate Profile and Competences
The Masters degree has the collaboration of the following team of academics and professionals of the sector.
The request must be submitted electronically through our application system. Before beginning the admission process, please read the following information:
Como norma general, para acceder a las enseñanzas oficiales de Máster será necesario estar en posesión de uno de los siguientes títulos::
- título universitario oficial español,
- título universitario expedido por una institución de educación superior perteneciente a otro Estado integrante del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) que faculte en el mismo para el acceso a enseñanzas de Máster.
- título universitario extranjero conforme a sistemas educativos ajenos al EEES sin necesidad de la homologación de sus títulos, previa comprobación por la universidad de que aquéllos acreditan un nivel de formación equivalente a los correspondientes títulos universitarios oficiales españoles y que facultan en el país expedidor del título para el acceso a enseñanzas de postgrado.
El acceso por esta última vía no implicará, en ningún caso, la homologación del título previo de la persona interesada, ni su reconocimiento a otros efectos que el de cursar las enseñanzas de Máster.
Admission criteria
Los criterios de admisión se valorarán de acuerdo a la siguiente baremación:
CRITERIOS DE ADMISIÓN PONDERACIÓN Licenciaturas o grados afines 40% Metas profesionales 40% Nota media del expediente académico 10% Conocimiento de idiomas 10% En caso de existir mayor demanda de plazas que las ofertadas, se podrán realizar entrevistas personales con los candidatos, siempre teniendo en cuenta primero a aquellos que tengan mejor expediente. En las entrevistas se valorará la idoneidad de los estudios realizados, el interés manifestado por el candidato y su experiencia previa.
El Máster está dirigido a licenciados, graduados y diplomados de cualquier rama de conocimiento; tendrán prioridad los diplomados, graduados o licenciados en Antropología, Ciencias Políticas, Comunicación, Derecho, Filología, Filosofía, Humanidades, Historia, Historia del Arte, Información y Documentación, Sociología, Teología y Ciencias Eclesiásticas o Trabajo Social.
Language requirements
Check the general language requirements required to study a Master’s at UC3M, depending on whether it is in Spanish, English or bilingual.
students with foreign university degrees
Once admitted to the Master’s program, students holding a university degree from a higher education institution outside the EHEA must provide the diploma, legalized through diplomatic procedures or by The Hague Apostille, for enrollment. They must also submit their transcript of records, including the grade point average, duly legalized.
More information about Legalization of Foreign Documents.
If needed, documents must be accompanied by an official sworn translation into Spanish.
Reservation fee: 450€
- it will be paid once the student receives notification of admission to the master’s, and deducted from the first tuition payment
- the reservation fee will only be refunded if the master program is cancelled
60 ECTS in the first academic year:
- EU students and exceptionalities**: 820,80€ (13,68€/ECTS)
- Non EU students: 4.170,60€ (69,51€/ECTS)
* The fees of this Master are fixed by the Coordinating University (U. Pablo Olavide of Sevilla).
📥 │ Decree 98/2023 (BOJA)
** Non EU countries with educational cooperation agreements in Andalusia to which the EU student rate applies: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico. , Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Morocco and Equatorial Guinea
Additional information
- You may enrol on the master’s degree after completing the admission process and receiving formal confirmation of your acceptance.
- When performing the enrolment you can choose between Full-time enrolment or Part-time enrolment.
- The email address provided upon enrolment will be used for formal communications; students are therefore kindly requested to check their mail regularly.
- Pursuant to the regulations of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a student failing to pay any part of the fees will not be admitted and the enrolment process will be terminated. In cases of cancellation of enrolment due to non-payment, the University may demand the payment of the pending amounts for enrolment in previous academic courses as a prior condition of enrolment.
No diploma or certificate will be issued if a student has any outstanding payments.
NINTH Edition of Rocío Orsi Award for Master's Thesis | CLOSED
The Carlos III University of Madrid announces the Ninth Edition of Rocío Orsi Award for Master's Thesis. This award is open to all students who have presented, defended and obtained an "A" or "B" grade, as well as the credits corresponding to the Master's Thesis (TFM), during the period between February 1 and September 30, 2024, in the official programs linked to the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation.
- Amount: 500 €
Applications deadline: January 17, 2025
Resolution: February 21, 2025
📌 │ More information
General information on scholarships
For more information on specific scholarships of interest, awarded by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as well as other agencies or organizations, please refer here: