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Best practices and regulations

Cabecera pagina Buenas practicas y normativa en Información General Postgrado

The Good Practices Guide is intended to be an instrument that promotes behaviours, in the university community, that create climates of trust and respect. This is, in short, what make possible to achieve an excellent, enterprising, open, responsible and inclusive University.

The Good Practices Guide has been developed with the purpose of improving the coexistence at the University and the academic results of the students. This Guide, without attempting to exhaust all the situations that could happen at the university area, remembers behaviours that all students must observe and respect and reflects the spirit marked in the above mentioned documents.

Foto recomendaciones en exámenes o evaluaciones de conocimientos

Examinations or evaluations

A series of rules of a general nature are collected and must be respected when carrying out any of these tests.

Foto comportamiento en clase

Behavior in class

All students must respect certain behavioral norms in the activities carried out in the classroom.

Foto comportamiento en instalaciones universitarias

University facilities

The spaces and university facilities are in common use and must be respected at all times by the students.

Foto situaciones irregulares

Irregular situations

The university has a series of competent bodies in different subjects to take action against any incident.

Foto de una hoja escrita con normas

Academic discipline

The present disciplinary regime establishes the typology of faults with corresponding sanctions.

Foto Normativa matricula


The university has adopted regulations on enrollment of students.

📥 │ Enrollment and permanence rules

📥 │ Enrollment regulations Abstract

📥 │ Master's degree access rules