Mecánica Experimental, Cálculo y Transportes (MECATRAN)
- Inicio
- Investigación
- Mecánica Experimental, Cálculo y Transportes (MECATRAN)
- Mecánica Experimental, Cálculo y Transportes (MECATRAN)
In 2005 a group of professors and researchers from the Mechnanical Engineering Department of University Carlos III de Madrid decided to create a research group "Experimental Mechanics, Calculation and Transports (MECATRAN)" to unify their knowledge developed along the past years.
Nowadays, the group is currently working at:
- Advanced simulation techniques in Mechanical Engineering.
- Calculation, construction and experimental tests of machines.
- Measurement techniques and advanced experimental tests.
- Safety and industrial maintenance.
- Biomechanics.
- Railway and road vehicles.
- Intelligent vehicles.
- Intelligent tires.
- Transportation.
- Traffic Engineering.
- Accident Reconstruction.
- Environmental studies, recycling and waste management.
- Graphical engineering and Virtual Reality.
- Acoustic and vibration.
- Applications of the Artificial Intelligence in mechanics: neuronal network, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, etc.
In certain of the above areas I+D+i proyects have been carried out giving a great number of publications in well known international journals and conferences. The biggest competitive advantage of our group is the great variety of disciplines in which research works can be carried out, allowing us to work with:
- Automobile Manufacturers.
- Railway Manufacturers.
- Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection.
- Urban Furniture Manufacturers.
- Department of the Interior: Traffic Deparment.