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Academic Discipline

Foto comportamiento en las aulas  para Guia buenas practicas

In addition to the offenses and penalties included in Law 3/2022, of February 24, on university cohabitation, the following are established by way of illustration and without limitation:

Slight faults

  • Accessing university facilities to which access is not authorized.
  • Using university services without complying with the established requirements of general knowledge.
  • Performing acts that deteriorate the assets of the university's patrimony.

When the behaviors referred to in the previous paragraph produce a serious damage or risk to the safety of persons, they shall be classified as serious misconduct.


  • Private warning.


  • Misappropriating the content of tests, examinations or knowledge checks.
  • Seriously deteriorate the catalogued assets of the university's historical and cultural heritage.
  • Impede the normal celebration of university activities of teaching, research or knowledge transfer, without prejudice to the respect for freedom of expression.
  • Committing academic fraud other than the type indicated for very serious offenses, but defined in the same terms.
  • Improper use of contents or means of reproduction and recording of university activities subject to intellectual property rights.
  • Failure to comply with the health and safety standards established by the University in its facilities and services. In particular, repeated failure to comply with the prohibition of smoking throughout the university premises, both inside buildings and in outdoor spaces on the University campuses, including the immediate accesses to buildings and the sidewalks surrounding them within the campuses.
  • Accessing the university's computer systems without proper authorization.


  • Expulsion of up to one month from the university where the offense was committed. This sanction may not be applied during the final evaluation and enrollment periods as defined by each university.
  • Loss of the right to the ordinary exam in the academic semester in which the offense is committed and with respect to the subject in which it was committed, unless said right has already been exercised with the presentation to the corresponding final exam or test, in which case only the penalty of expulsion will be imposed.
  • In the case of academic fraud and other faults that prevent the evaluation of the test or exam, in addition to the sanction, the student will be disqualified in that subject and session with "suspense, 0", so that the decision on the grade will be suspended until the resolution of the disciplinary procedure.

Very serious offenses

  • Altering, falsifying, subtracting or destroying, by any means, academic documents, including minutes or any proof of evaluation, using false documents before the university or committing falsehood in responsible statements or other declarations or testimonies before the university.
  • Destroying and irreparably damaging or removing catalogued works of the university's historical and cultural heritage.
  • Plagiarizing a work in whole or in part, or committing academic fraud in the preparation of the Master's Thesis.  Academic fraud will be understood as any premeditated behavior, carried out through any means, tending to falsify the results of an exam or work, either one's own or someone else's, carried out as a requirement to pass a subject or to accredit academic performance.
  • Failure to comply with public health standards established for university centers, their facilities and services, putting the university community at risk.
  • Impersonating a member of the university community in his or her own work


  • Expulsion of two months to three years from the university where the offense was committed. The expulsion sanction must be recorded in the student's academic record until it is fully complied with.
  • Loss of partial tuition fees, during an academic year or semester.
  • In the case of academic fraud and other faults that prevent the evaluation of the test or exam, in addition to the sanction, the student will be disqualified in that subject and session with "suspense, 0", so that the decision on the grade will be suspended until the resolution of the disciplinary procedure.