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Enrollment and permanence rules

Foto cabecera para matricula

📥 │ Enrollment and permanence rules

📥 │ Enrollment regulations Abstract

📥 │ Master's degree access rules

The following is a summary of the most relevant points extracted from the regulations.

| General enrollment requirements

Enrollment will be effective within the periods, terms and in the appropiate manner determined by the University, which will be duly communicated to the prospective students.

Enrollment in the different subjects will include the calls (exam sittings) provided for in the applicable regulations for each academic year.


| Enrollment cancellation


The cancellation of the entire enrollment due to the resignation of the student will not entail a refund of the fees paid for it.

Exceptionally, when the student communicates his resignation before the start of the course and has paid the full tuition, he or she will be entitled to a refund of 50% of the amount of the tuition. Fees for administrative services (including reservation fee) and school insurance will not be refunded in any case.


Students may partially cancel their enrollment up to two months of the start of each academic semester, without refund of the fees paid for tuition.


| Academic subjects call (exam sitting) waiver


Exemption from the call (exam sitting) for enrolled subjects may be granted when there are duly justified exceptional circumstances that make impossible for the student to take the exam. Students must request a waiver for this reason and present the documents base for the justification in which it is accredited the cause that prevented him or her from attending the exam on the scheduled day and time.

The person responsible of each Master’s degree will allow or deny the exemption after assessing the circumstances alleged by the student as well as the supporting documents provided.


Exemption for a maximum of two calls per subject, no justification required is possible.

You must submit your application before the day of the exam in the form established by the university.


| Academic performance requirements for enrolled students

Students enrolled in any degree at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid must obtain the following academic results in order to continue their studies in the degree they have started:

  1. In the first academic year they must pass at least twelve (12) of the assigned ECTS credits by the study plan to the first year of the degree in which they were enrolled.
  2. Students will have two consecutive academic years to pass the first full year, with the exception of degrees in the branch of Engineering, in the that they will have three consecutive academic years to pass the first year in full.

Students enrolled in any degree at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, will have four opportunities per academic subject (exam sittings) for passing the subject, with the exception of students of degrees in the branch of Engineering that will have six opportunities to pass.

Students who do not pass an optional subject in the opportunities established previously, may take a different one among the alternatives offered by the university, providing they pass each new subject within the number of oppportunities indicated in the previous section.