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Recommendations in exams

Foto recomendaciones en exámenes o evaluaciones de conocimientos para Guia buenas practicas

The following general rules must be followed in any assessment of students' knowledge. Although it is advisable to remind students of them before any examination or assessment, failure by a professor to do so will not prevent the test from being held.

A. Except as otherwise indicated, the use of any documents or electronic devices is prohibited during exams and in-class tests.

B. Once an examination or test has commenced, students may not communicate with one another verbally or in writing, exchange tests, look at another student's examination, etc.

C. Exam rooms should be peaceful and silent. All parties are responsible for achieving this. A student who needs clarification of the examination or test should raise their hand and wait for the professor to come to their desk.

D. Students should bring the necessary materials to examinations: pens, pencils, erasers, etc. and any others that have been expressly authorised. If students bring items that are not required, such as lecture notes, books, notebooks, bags, etc., the professor may oblige them to leave such items on the floor or at the entrance to the room. Neither the faculty nor the University will be liable for any loss or damage to such items.

E. At the entrance to the examination room, the professor may require students to present their national ID card, residence card, passport or other valid identification document. During the examination, the professor may also require that students have their ID document (national ID card, residence permit, and passport) visible in order to check the identity of the person taking the test. A person not bearing proper identification may be denied entry to the examination room.

F. Students may enter the examination room at any time up to one hour after the start of the exam. Students may not leave the examination room during the first hour of the exam. Any student wishing to leave the room must hand in their examination to the professor, unless the latter expressly authorises them to abandon and return to the room. All examinations and tests must be signed and delivered to the professor before leaving the room. The process of delivery should be conducted in an orderly fashion following the professor's instructions in order to avoid any changes or supplanting of identity.

G. An exam is marked as “Fail” (0.0) if the student withdraws from the examination after its beginning without adequate reason. An exam is marked as “Fail” (0.0) if the student is caught cheating Examples of cheating behaviour include (but are not limited to) are, among others:

  • Use of unauthorized materials (e.g., devices, notes, books) during an in-class or take-home examination.
  • Consultation of unauthorized materials while being excused (e.g., on a bathroom break) from an examination room.
  • Copying answers from another student or allowing another student to copy one’s answers.
  • Unauthorized discussion of an exam’s content during its administration.
  • Obtaining an examination or answers to an examination prior to its administration.
  • (...) See the full list in the document of Ethical code (Page 4)

H. The unacknowledged use of the words, ideas or creations of another (plagiarism) is completely forbidden. If a plagiarism is reported in a coursework, project or thesis, the subject grade is marked as “Fail” (0.0) (Decision by the Management Board dated 25 September 2002 on cheating during examinations, assessments or tests). Plagiarism is illegal under the Spanish Criminal Code. Examples of course work cheating include (but are not limited to) the following cases:

  • Submission of the same or substantially similar work of another person, such as an author or classmate.
  • Improper documentation of quotations, words, ideas, or paraphrased passages taken from published or unpublished sources.
  • Use of the results of another student’s work (e.g., exam, papers) while representing it as one’s own.
  • Unauthorized submission of a paper as original work in one course when the paper has received credit in another course.

I. Note that the Turnitin Tool can be used to guarantee that plagiarism has not occurred
