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Social Sciences Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Welcome to the website of the Social Sciences Department at the UC3M. The department is strongly committed to interdisciplinary research and teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, combining expertise in Political Sciences, Sociology, and Economic History. Here you will find all the information related to the members of the department, our teaching, our research activity, seminars and other events of interest.



UC3M Events

Calls in the areas of Sociology and Political Science

We have published calls for 2 positions in the areas of the Department. The first is a teaching assistant doctor of the LOSU in Sociology, and the second is a research staff doctor on the Law of Science in Political Science. For more information, applicants my access the calls through the following links: Sociology and Political Science

Convocatoria Plazas

Calls for visiting professor in Political Science and Economic History

We have published recently two calls for visiting professor en our Department in two of the teaching/research areas. Those interested in applying can find more information about them in the following links: Political Science and Economic History


Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Calle Madrid, 126. 28903 Getafe (Madrid) España


+34 91 624 95 99

+34 91 624 58 56
