Defensores Universitarios anteriores
- Defensor Universitario
- Presentación y funcionamiento
- Defensores Universitarios anteriores
D. Emilio Olías Ruiz (2018-2024)

El Pleno del Claustro de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, en sus sesiones de 9 de mayo de 2018 y de 6 de mayo de 2021 eligió y reeligió respectivamente a D. Emilio Olías Ruiz, Catedrático de Tecnología Electrónica de la Escuela Politécnica Superior, como Defensor Universitario y a Dª María del Mar Sánchez Pinilla, Funcionaria de Carrera de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, como Defensora Universitaria Adjunta.
Mr. José Antonio Moreiro González, Professor of the Department of Library Science and Documentation, University Ombudsman of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2012-2015/2015-2018)
The Plenary Session of the Senate of the Carlos III University of Madrid, in its meeting of 25 April 2012, elected Mr José Antonio Moreiro González, Professor of the Department of Library Science and Documentation, University Ombudsman and Ms Francisca Cabezas Alonso, Member of the Administration and Services Staff of the University, Deputy University Ombudsman. On 13 May 2015, they were also re-elected by the Plenary Session of the Senate of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Previous ombudsman (2003 - 2012)
Mª Dolores González Ayala, Professor of Constitutional Law at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, University Ombudsman of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2003-2006; 2006-2012).
Elected by the Plenary of the Senate in May 2003; re-elected in November 2006 until April 2012, and Mr. Miguel Trujillo Garrido, Member of the Administration and Services Staff of the University, Deputy University Ombudsman, they set up the institution, provided it with the corresponding administrative and procedural mechanisms, with an optimal level of functioning.