Special Issue on Complex Systems in Finance and Economics
- Departamento de Informática
- Research
- Special Issues
- Special Issue on Complex Systems in Finance and Economics

Finance and economics are complex domains, in which multiple components – such as investors, trading venues, or intermediary firms – frequently interact to generate aggregate outcomes that may be desirable or undesirable, intended or unintended. The behavior of the underlying elements is often adaptive and the aggregate dynamics can be highly non-linear. The resulting complexity can therefore be difficult to measure, model and control. The recent financial crisis revealed how interconnections between institutions can provide feedback loops and propagation channels across the financial system, nationally and globally, spilling into the real economy. There is a great need for advances in the ways in which financial and economic systems are modeled, simulated, designed, controlled and regulated. The techniques and hybrid approaches emerging from the ongoing efforts of the systems community can help address the challenge.
This special issue seeks high quality contributions from both academics and practitioners on systems-related topics in finance and economics. Only submissions with a core systems or systems-of-systems component will be acceptable
- Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Measurement, analysis and management of operational and financial hazards arising from the interaction of participants and subsystems of the financial system.
- Empirical analyses, theoretical models, and simulation studies of trading architectures, payment flows, and collateral deliveries.
- Emergent financial phenomena modeling, especially as they affect multiple subsystems simultaneously.
- Simulation of the dynamics of global, national, or local financial systems or subsystems.
- Design of optimal policies for regulatory decision-making and analysis to control of systemic dynamics.
- Tools and techniques for system instrumentation and monitoring, especially during episodes of financial crisis,
- Tools, techniques and policy frameworks for ex-post forensic data collection and analysis for systemic financial events.
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions by following the detailed instructions given in the “Information for Authors” at http://www.ieeesystemsjournal.org. In the cover letter, authors should explicitly state that the paper is submitted to the “Complex Systems in Finance and Economics”.
Questions about the special issue should be directed to the Guest Editors.
Guest Editors
Mark Flood
Office of Financial Research
U.S. Treasury
Alex Lipton
Bank of America, US, and University of Oxford, UK
Dr. David Quintana
Department of Computer Science
University Carlos III of Madrid Spain
Antoaneta Serguieva
University College London, UK, and Bank of England, UK
- Paper Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2016.
- Notification of first review: Apr. 15th, 2016.
- Revised paper submission: May 30th, 2016
- Notification of the re-review: Aug. 15th, 2016
- Minor revision deadline: Sep. 15th, 2016
- Final notification: Oct. 30th, 2016
- Final manuscript: Nov. 30th, 2016
- Publication: by advance posting in IEEE Xplore as soon as authors approve galley proofs
- Expected inclusion in an issue: 2017