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AICom: Special Track on Soft Computing in Finance and Economics


Paper Submission

Manuscripts should comply with the editorial charter and be prepared according to the guidelines provided by the journal at:

Please, make sure that the first page contains the title and the author’s name. In the following
pages, the name of the authors should be removed.

Contributions should be sent in PDF format to


The track is open to high-quality contributions from researchers and practitioners. Submitted articles should describe applications of soft computing in domains including (but not limited to):

  • Agent-Based Computational Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Financial Data Mining
  • Financial Engineering
  • Financial Time Series Forecasting and Analysis
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomic Behaviour
  • Portfolio Management
  • Simulation of Social Processes
  • Term Structure Models
  • Trading Strategies

Specific soft computing techniques considered include (but are not limited to):

  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Neural Networks
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Swarm Intelligence
  • Support Vector Machines

Sesion Organizers

Dr. David Quintana
Department of Computer Science
University Carlos III of Madrid Spain
Tel: +34 91 624 6258

Dr. Pedro Isasi
Department of Computer Science
University Carlos III de Madrid
Tel: +34 91 624 9455


  • Paper Submission Deadline: 1st April 2012.
  • Notification of Acceptance: Contributions will be submitted for publication as soon as they are cleared by the reviewers.