Library Science: Archives and Libraries in the Digital Environment
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- Outstanding Thesis Awards
- Library Science: Archives and Libraries in the Digital Environment

The Ph.D. in Library Science: Archives and Libraries in the Digital Environment announces 2 Outstanding Thesis Awards in this edition.
Application Form. Deadline: 1st of November, 2023 (11:59 pm, CET).
Please upload to your application:
- Scientific outcomes of the doctoral thesis (required) Template
- Curriculum vitae (optional)
- Documents supporting your application (optional)
Assessment criteria
- Relevant publications of research outcomes related to the doctoral thesis, published preferably in international database-indexed journals (40%)
- Research scope (40%). The Committee will evaluate if the thesis opens or clearly proposes new lines of research or new methodologies in the field; generates or may generate valuable tools for other projects; etc.
- International Ph.D. distinction (20%)
Evaluation Committee
- Fátima García López
- José Carlos García Zorita
- Antonio Perianes Rodríguez