Aerospace Engineering
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- Outstanding Thesis Awards
- Aerospace Engineering

The Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering announces 1 Outstanding Thesis Award for this edition.
Application Form. Deadline: 1st of November, 2023 (11:59 pm, CET).
Please upload to your application:
- Scientific outcomes of the doctoral thesis (required) Template
- Curriculum vitae (optional)
- Documents supporting your application (optional)
Assessment criteria
- Publications accepted at the time of thesis defense, related to the doctoral research work, JCR-indexed, with the doctoral candidate listed as first author.
8 points for publications in Q1
4 points for publications in Q2
2 points for publications in Q3
1 point for publications in Q4
1) A 0,5 factor will be applied if the doctoral candidate is not listed as first author.
2) A 0.7 factor will be applied if there is a number of authors above the median of the publication field, except for international collaboration articles.
3) A factor between 1 and 2 may be applied, depending on the case, for articles published in very high impact journals, e.g., Nature, Science, and/or similar.
4) A factor between 0.5 and 1 may be applied for journals whose impact factor is considered oversized or whose peer review process is considered deficient.
- Publications related to the doctoral research work and accepted for presentation at relevant aerospace conferences and journals not indexed in JCR:
Up to 1 point for each publication (abstracts or papers in peer-reviewed conferences), provided that the doctoral candidate is both the first author of the publication and the speaker at the conference.
- Thesis with International Mention and proof of completion with publications derived from the research stay: up to 8 points.
- Awards: up to 8 points per award.
- Transfer: up to 8 points per contribution
The following will be taken into account: patents in use, patents in the process of application, software registration, participation in creation of technology-based companies.
- Other merits (to be assessed by the Committee): up to 12 points.
Participation in events organized by the PhD (e.g., seminars, doctoral meetings, open days, exchange workshops, etc.).
Participation in dissemination and communication activities (e.g., activities aimed at schools and high schools, Researchers' Night, Science Week, STEM events for primary school students, etc.).
Other merits
The Committee may request an oral or written report from the thesis advisor(s) or co-advisor(s) to better understand the scope of the contributions.
Evaluation Committee
- Eduardo Ahedo Galilea
- Rauno Cavallaro
- Andrea Ianiro