Mediation and other way of conflict resolution
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- Mediation and other way of conflict resolution

- Hernández Moura, Belén
Babcock, Linda, and Sara Laschever. Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.
Davidds, Yasmin, and Ann Bidou. 2015. Your own terms a woman's guide to taking charge of any negotiation. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association.
DeMarr, Beverly J., and Suzanne C. De Janasz. 2019. Negotiation and dispute resolution. Chicago: Chicago Business Press.
Fisher, Roger, and Scott Brown. 1989. Getting together. London: Business.
Fisher, Roger, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. 2011. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin.
Fisher, Roger, Danny Ertel, and Roger Fisher. 2013. Getting ready to negotiate: the Getting to yes workbook. Vancouver, B.C.: Langara College.
Furlong, Gary T. 2020. The conflict resolution toolbox: models and maps for analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving conflict. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Grenny, Joseph, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, and Emily Gregory. 2021. Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Hocker, Joyce L., Keith Berry, and William W. Wilmot. 2022. Interpersonal conflict. New York: McGraw Hill.
Kolb, Deborah M., Judith Williams, and Deborah M. Kolb. 2003. Everyday negotiation: navigating the hidden agendas in bargaining. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Menkel-Meadow, Carrie J., and Michael Wheeler. 2011. What's fair: ethics for negotiators. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Menkel-Meadow, Carrie J., Lela Porter Love, and Andrea Kupfer Schneider. 2020. Mediation: practice, policy, and ethics. New York: Wolters Kluwer.
Mnookin, Robert H., Scott R. Peppet, and Andrew S. Tulumello. 2004. Beyond winning: negotiating to create value in deals and disputes. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap.
Parkinson, Lisa. 2020. Family mediation. Jordan Publishing.
Strang, Heather. 2017. Restorative Justice. Taylor and Francis.
Stone, Douglas, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. 2020. Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most. London: Penguin Books
Sumner, Dawn Amber. 2003. Victim offender mediation. Bristol: University of the West of England.
Ury, William. 1993. Getting past no. New York: Bantam Books.
Recursos web
In this section you will find some short readings on topics related to the subject.
Topic 1: Women in negotiation
Challenges facing women negotiators: negotiating tips for women negotiators to achieve results at the negotiation table.
Women and Negotiation. Narrowing the gender gap in negotiation: strategies for narrowing the gender gap in negotiation, especially when it comes to salary:
Topic 2: Women as peacebuilders
The power of women peacebuilders:
Conflict prevention and resolution by UN woman:
Materiales audiovisuales
Time to break down some stereotypes about gender and negotiation with this video entitled «Women don’t negotiate and other similar nonsense» by Andrea Schneider:
Curious to discover the potential of women as agents of peace in international conflicts?
Check out this video by United Nations on the key role of women in peace processes: