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UC3M's CONEX-Plus project, an example of communication for the European Commission


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) recently presented in Brussels the communication and dissemination activities of the research results of the CONEX-Plus project as an example of good practice in the European Commission's COFUND actions.

Image of the event, with Marcela Groholova, deputy head of unit of the European Research Executive Agency (REA), who accompanied the UC3M team during the event.

Image of the event, with Marcela Groholova, deputy head of unit of the European Research Executive Agency (REA), who accompanied the UC3M team during the event.

This presentation event, held on June 20th at the headquarters of the European Research Executive Agency (REA), was attended by María Angélica Real Serrano, from the Research Service, and Almudena Crespo Gil, from the Human Resources and Organisation service, as well as the director of the Office for the Promotion of European Research Activities (OPERA) of the Alliance 4 Universities (A4U), Ignasi Salvadó, from UC3M.

The event was attended by personnel involved in research projects from 23 countries. The UC3M representation shared the stage with five other European entities chosen for their best practices, such as the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IBEC) in Barcelona, the Fondation Sciences mathématiques in Paris, University College Dublin, Ca Foscari University in Venice and the French region of Brittany. 

The session was attended by the head of the Marie S. Curie Actions department at the REA, Begoña Arano, the staff of the REA's COFUND Management Unit (led by Graham Wilkie) and representatives of the MSCA program at the European Commission's Directorate General for Education.

CONEX-Plus is a training and professional development program based on the so-called "triple i" dimension: international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary. The 30 fellows it has funded have been able to complete modules dedicated to relevant cross-cutting skills and industry training.

This program has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research, which recognizes its full compliance with the principles of the European Charter and Code for Researchers.

CONEX-Plus is funded by UC3M and the European Commission through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND action (GA 801538) of the European Framework Program Horizon 2020.